I can’t decide what’s worse; being called out by your quarterback’s super model wife or this.
Pawngo.com, an internet pawn shop, rubbed salt in the wounds of Patriots’ fans on Tuesday when they dropped 900 pounds of Butterfingers in Copley Square in Boston. In the middle of the giant pile of Butterfingers was a sign that read “Thank you, Wes Welker.”
Sadly that wasn’t the most embarrassing thing to happen to Boston over the past six months. The Butterfinger jab has to be second behind the “Hell Yeah, I like Beer” music video.
Does anyone else think that was a really hard catch? He went up in the air, twisted around and the ball was still high on him. No he didn’t come down with it but I didn’t think he dropped the ball on that one or “should” have made the catch.
I can’t help it. I love when Boston teams fail.