Steelers president Art Rooney is the latest conspiracy theorist in the case of the NFL referees versus the Pittsburgh Steelers. Rooney was asked whether he believed that the league has targeted the Steelers for illegal hits and he told the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review that “it certainly looks that way.”
“Not that we’re expecting much sympathy from other teams, but I think some of this will be part of the discussion after the season is over,” Rooney said. That’s good because you certainly won’t get any sympathy here.
The idea that the NFL would target a particular team is a topic that gets pondered deep within NFL message boards by fans itching for excuses after their team has lost the previous week. We’ve even seen Ravens fans talk about it with their historically physical defenses. But the fact that Rooney, the president of one of the most historic franchises in sports, would bring it up is absurd.
Mike Florio of really put this absurdity into context.
The mere fact that the league has yet to fine Rooney or Tomlin for engaging in conduct detrimental to the long-term interests of the league via public comments undermining the NFL’s approach to safety proves that, to a certain extent, the NFL still tiptoes on eggshells when it comes to one of the league’s marquee franchises.
There’s been too much whining by the Steelers this week, I can only imagine the excuses that we’ll hear if the Ravens walk away with a win on Sunday night.
I should have disclosed that the NFL paid be to write that blog post.
Roger Goodell is covering up Area 51 man!
hahahaha. What a bad article.
But delivering haymakers to the head is no big deal. just pony up 25 large.
My problem with Goodell is that he is inconsistent.
People get used to make an example of all the time James probably put himself in the limelight by stepping to the mic.HIS HIT IN BUFFALO WAS COMMONPLACE IN THE NFL.I think if they want to soften the hits they need to loosen up on pass interference calls you have to give the defence someway to defend the pass.
Zach – I wish you would stop writing terrible articles! After the Steeler fans have their 4th grade sons & daughters read them the articles they get upset… They swallow their "chaw", jump out of their Lazy-Z-Boys that have "electrical tape" on both arms, trip over their spittons, punch holes in the plastic wrap over the windows, run out on their front porch and slam right into their refrigerator! You should be glad that their trucks are sitting on cinder blocks in the front yard or they would drive down here after you!
Why don't you just use pictures for your next article Zach, it would be much easier for them…
This just in…
According to the Pittsburgh Post Gazette, Goodell has been identified as the second shooter in the JFK assassination.
MGW, as a Steeler fan, I will have Columbo look into this conspiracy. To all Raven fans, may the best team win Sunday night. Should be a hard hitting game, just like most of the Steelers-Ravens games, the last few years.
This is one of the most biased and moronic articles I have ever read about football. The inclusion of Florio, a complete jackass, only further exhibits your moronic opinion. Even Terrell Suggs, the person who probably hates the Steelers more than any player and plays for the team you write about, agrees with Rooney and the Steelers players. So you’re calling Suggs an idiot too? Maybe you’re too blind and stupid to actually think for yourself? Perhaps that’s why you include a hack like Florio to make your dimwitted asinine opinions seem relevant. I can’t believe you actually get paid as a journalist. That’s got to be the biggest joke in all this hoopla!
The NFL would have an excellent reason to target Harrison and the Steelers — getting the message out without wrecking the flow of every game, every week. Why Pittsburgh and why a former NFL Defensive Player of the Year? Targeting one of the league's best commercial attractions and a marquee player who's a big hitter tells the rest of the league loud and clear: The times are changing, and no one is exempt. In reality, there's a gaping flaw in the league's new policy: A tackler can't lower his shoulders to make a tackle without his head being in the way. Helmets hit helmets; it's a fact of football life. The league should flag and fine ONLY blatant hits that are clearly intended to be helmet to helmet or helmet to face…and that includes offensive players who lower their helmets to charge ahead for extra yards.
Yeah, the article says Rooney was asked…then later he says Rooney brought it up…what a moron this guy is.
Look, stop with the conspiracy crap… At one time people in B-More thought that Suggs was being targeted by the refs and league. I actually like Harrison, he plays a hard nosed game but he's an idiot.
December 3, 2010 at 8:36 pm · Reply
Zach – I wish you would stop writing terrible articles! After the Steeler fans have their 4th grade sons & daughters read them the articles they get upset… They swallow their “chaw”, jump out of their Lazy-Z-Boys that have “electrical tape” on both arms, trip over their spittons, punch holes in the plastic wrap over the windows, run out on their front porch and slam right into their refrigerator! You should be glad that their trucks are sitting on cinder blocks in the front yard or they would drive down here after you!
Says the guy with the 70 pound head complete with KKK facial hair. Nice try, Jim-Bob.
Is it not wonderful how Baltimore fans all reach for the lowest form of criticism and stereotypes when "dissing" Steeler fans? (Ravens2488) Contrary to some of the nasty comments expressed by some of you, the most popular NFL franchise on the planet counts well-educated, erudite (look that up, Zach) and principled people among its fans. The Rooneys exemplify the class and family that has been the hallmark of the organization. Win or lose on Sunday, the Steelers are still the only team in history with 6 Super Bowl titles. And Baltimore has how many??
Canadian Steeler fan,
It's been nice debating with you this week. The bottom line is after tomorrow night, we will probably never hear from you again. The Steelers offensive line is beyond banged up, their QB allegedly has a "broken foot" and Mendenhall (my starting fantasy RB) will not be able to run against a down, but far from defeated Ravens defense. The game will be close, they always are, but the Ravens are at home and that combined with the injuries will be enoughbfor the Ravens to eek out a victory.
Thanks for stopping by this week. Come back during the playoffs if the Steelers get a will card.
"wild card", that is…
You'll hear from me, win or lose; I've been fan of the Steelers for over 40 years and I am not likely to abandon them over one game… Maybe by then, you will have installed spell check on your computer (eek!! or is that eke?)
I really am valuing our last hours together. I have no doubt as to your loyalties to the Steelers. I admire the franchise, the city, and the fans – most of them. I think it's a class organization and a Pittsburgh is a similar city to Baltimore in terms of blue collar roots and the Renaissance both cities have gone through. Having said all that, I've found that most out-of-town fans jump on an opposing city's blog, talk a little smack during the week, and then disappear after their team gets beat. In that I think this game goes the Ravens way, I think our days with your comments are numbered. Happy Holidays to you and yours!
Happy holidays to you too…we'll see who is right (and keeps his/her word).
Just for your information: 2 things…
I have friends in Baltimore who I kid all the time. They're not contributing to this email "smack down" but they're enjoying reading it nonetheless.
At the top of my "bucket list" is an opportunity to go to a Steelers game. From where I live, it's a long way to any NFL city so for 40 years I have only seen their games on television. One of these days…
Canadian Steeler Fan…if you ever get to Maryland, we'll hook you up! Tickets are hard to come by, but we'll make it work. I'm always on here, so no worries there. Good luck to the Steelers (after this week, that is).
Look folks, its always great to debate other fans and such… But I do have to say that there is one person that comments on here that is a true football fan and the Steelers are his favorite team. He never trash talks, always states his opinion or just the facts. The guy is "BM1958"… Even though he mnight not like a team he will still praise them if praise is warrented.
"BM1958" is a walking football stat machine and knowledgeable on all issues football related. Even though he is a Steeler fan I consider him a great friend. He will even tell you if Harrison ir right or wrong.
If you ever have a footbal related question or need a stat just ask "BM1958" and you will get a straight up answer.
Ok, my love fest for "BM1958" has ended…