This bad picture was snapped by's Roch Kubatko.

The Orioles got more good news from Brian Roberts out in Sarasota today.  Their second baseman took batting practice from both sides of the plate yesterday and returned to the field for practice again this morning.

Roch Kubatko at says that Roberts considers taking BP as a significant step in his recovery.  “I think my doctor would probably agree that getting in an environment where there’s a lot going on is a big step because it’s part of the progression, trying to reacclimate into those environments.”

Casey Willett of WBAL snapped a picture of B-Rob back on the field today.  Willett tweeted that Roberts was “with teammates hitting.”

Neither Roberts nor the Orioles can project when he’ll be back, but this is certainly an encouraging sign.

I’ve elevating Roberts from “no chance we’ll see him in 2012” status to “so, you’re telling me there’s a chance,” status.