The Orioles got more good news from Brian Roberts out in Sarasota today. Their second baseman took batting practice from both sides of the plate yesterday and returned to the field for practice again this morning.
Roch Kubatko at MASNSports.com says that Roberts considers taking BP as a significant step in his recovery. “I think my doctor would probably agree that getting in an environment where there’s a lot going on is a big step because it’s part of the progression, trying to reacclimate into those environments.”
Casey Willett of WBAL snapped a picture of B-Rob back on the field today. Willett tweeted that Roberts was “with teammates hitting.”
Neither Roberts nor the Orioles can project when he’ll be back, but this is certainly an encouraging sign.
I’ve elevating Roberts from “no chance we’ll see him in 2012” status to “so, you’re telling me there’s a chance,” status.
Gee,,,,maybe he should try some steroids , oh that’s right , he already did,,,,,,,,,,,,
agree . go away Brian .
Hey Brobber.
If you don’t play this year, will you please retire and stop stealing another 10 million?
The fans turned on Tejada for roids and dogging it.
Roberts did the exact same thing.
Roberts got a contract extension because PA thinks he’s dreamy.
agree .
What was not shown in the picture during BP was Orioles Ushers shooing away fans from the EMPTY PICNIC TABLE AREA IN LEFT FIELD TWO HOURS BEFORE GAME TIME BECAUSE THAT AREA IS “RESERVED”…Doesn’t matter if you took two days off work, flew from Baltimore to attend your first two Spring Training Games EVER, and did NOT hop a fence to get in to the Park…UFB, but true!!!
Hey, what a coincidence, I flew down to Sarasota this week two. Did you happen to be one of the guys wearing a BSR t-shirt?
Roberts is only stealing $8.25 million. Markaikis is tealing $11 million and Grregg is stealing $7.5 million.
Incorrect on all 3 players.
Brian Roberts:
2/20/09: Signed four-year, $40.0 million contract. 2011: $10 million, 2012: $10 million, 2013: $10 million,
Nick Markakis:
1/09: Signed six-year, $66 million contract (includes $2.1 million bonus). 2011: $10.25 million, 2012: $12.0 million, 2013: $15.0 million, 2014: $15.0 million, 2015: $17.5 million mutual option ($2.0 million buyout if club declines, no buyout if player declines).
Kevin Gregg:
1/12/11: Signed two-year, $10 million contract w/ $6 million club option for 2013. 2013 option guaranteed with 50 GF in 2012 or 100 GF in 2011-12.
He is making 5.8 million this year. He finished (GF) 48 games last season. He hits 100 total with 52 GF this season which would trigger that 2013 option. Not happening.
I was paraphrasing…Assclown.
are you calling yourself that? surely, you weren’t the calling the person you attempted to have some intelligent conversation on this post.
Maybe, if you keep up the act, we will just have assclowns commenting.
Thanks for treating our other commenters with respect.
How about meeting me somewhere in Glen Burnie tommorow around noon? Let’s have lunch.
Mark is stealing perfectly good oxygen from the human race…