Don’t worry Ravens fans. Nice guy cornerback Domonique Foxworth may not have ever amounted to anything in a Baltimore uniform, but off the field he was a real hero.
Foxworth got a lot of love back in August of 2011 for his work in ending the NFL Lockout. So much love in fact that he was nominated and elected without opposition as the NFL Players Association’s new President.
He succeeds Jets center Kevin Mawae.
Unfortunately, Foxworth is still looking for gainful employment as a player in the league. The Ravens terminated his (horrible) contract on March 5 and he’s recovering from a knee injury that kept him off the field for two seasons.
Nice guy?? Nice guys don’t take $25 million over 3 years and do absolutely NOTHING. Oh, wait, Rick B, the Intimidator and Norm R, add those three up and they probably stole close to $25 million over their careers.
Typical panic move by the great one , and some people still say they have trust in ozzie,,,,,,,,,,, goes to show you some people just like being stupid…………
Phil Savage was the brain trust behind the great ravens teams. Ozzie has been nothing more than a pawn. Just check the record.
I couldn’t agree more with you,,,,,,,,,,,I don’t know why some people on this site just don’t understand this , it proves that some people just like being stupid………………
Yea , 9inchnail is living proof that some people are born stupid. And further proof that these people are beyond help.
Actually 9inchnail was not born stupid. He worked long and hard to be an imbecile. I commend 9inchnail for overcoming the odds and reaching his goal of assclown.