Okay, so while the Baltimore media might have their own season awards for the Orioles, we at BSR decided to reach out to our friends at other Baltimore blogs to find out who they thought should take home the entirely hypothetical hardware for the 2010 disappointing/hopeful season. Here were the categories we went with:
Biggest Surprise:
Biggest Disappointment:
Most Valuable Oriole:
Player that Gave You the Most Hope for 2011 and Beyond:
Orioles’ Cy Young:
Participating this year were writers from Camden Chat, Camden Crazies, and Oriole Post, as well as yours truly representing BSR. See the results after the jump!
Biggest Surprise: Votes went a few ways here, but Jason Berken took it in the end. As Camden Chat put it, “Berken’s success in the bullpen was a surprise given his complete lack of it in the 2009 starting rotation. He was lights out for much of the season before he got injured and one of the few reliable members of the pen early on.”
Biggest Disappointment: Not much of a surprise here, as Nolan Reimold received the dubious distinction after a season where he looked completely confused at the plate, even in AAA. The odd vote went to Nick Markakis, and that was from Camden Crazies. I am not sure how increasing your average by 3 points, your on base percentage by over 30 points, and tying a record for most consecutive seasons with at least 40 doubles can count as a disappointment, but to each his own. Sure the RBI and HR were way down, but at this point we know what Markakis is and it’s hard to get RBI when the hitters around you are so terrible for so much of the year.
Most Valuable Oriole: Luke Scott took this going away, though I put in Markakis for his newfound leadership role on the team giving something extra off the field. On Scott, Oriole Post may have put it best. “Luke Scott. He avoided the slumps that have affected him during his time in Baltimore this season. With solid power numbers at the plate, Luke’s truly defined himself as a legitimate hitter in the league.”
Player that Gave You the Most Hope for 2011 and Beyond: This one was unanimous, and Brian Matusz was the guy. Camden Chat again had it on the nose. ” Watching Matusz shut down other teams over second half was one of the most encouraging things I witnessed all year long. I think the mass disappointment in Matusz in the first part of the season was actually a result of too high expectations on the young man, and I think next year he will be a star.”
Orioles’ Cy Young: Almost unanimous (one vote went to Matusz), Jeremy Guthrie took this one for his bounce back season and for providing an anchor in the rotation when Millwood started struggling after the first month or so. The Orioles keep looking out for a new ace to take over the role, but Guthrie keeps performing well. He had a disastrous season last year, but he may be one of the most overlooked solid starters in the AL East.
Okay, so there was one more award (just for fun)…
Orioles’ Manager of the Year: Since there were three choices, all who managed at least 50 games, I thought I would get a laugh and throw that out there. Naturally, Buck took it going away, though Camden Crazies had an interesting take on it. “Buck, but not because the team won more games when he was at the helm. More of a ‘in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king’ situation.”
Thanks to all of our voters, and we look forward to another round of ballots next season!
Can't see any that I woul disagree with. Although I do believe that Markakis gets even better if you put a true #4 bat in this lineup.
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