By now I’m sure you’ve heard all about the Baltimore Sun slashing jobs in the sports section. 61 positions were cut including some of their popular sports writers Ray Frager, Rick Maese, and David Steele.

Now it looks like Roch Kubatko left there just in time to blog for

My opinion on sports is often challenged here at BSR and I love that, but aside from my knowledge of Baltimore’s teams I think I know a little something about the media business as well.

Mark my words, if the Sun doesn’t adapt to the times they will go by the wayside. It’s a terrible economy and newspapers didn’t evolve when they should have, now it’s catching up to them and talented writers like Frager, Maese, and Steele are left looking for work.

The world doesn’t want to pick up a physical newspaper anymore. They expect content immediately and the internet provides that to them. I’m sorry that advertisers are jumping, but please satisfy to the demands of your readers.

The Sun should focus more of it’s time and energy into blogs like The Toy Department and Medium Well, than knocking on my door two days a week to convince me to subscribe. I don’t want to read about yesterday’s news when and if a paper boy delivers it, I want it now.

It’s pathetic that the rich executives who are in charge of newspapers fail to see this and even worse that a recession is what was required to change the medium. The newspaper industry has no one to blame but themselves, all that was required was adapting to the times and they’ve been playing catch up way too long.

They had every chance in the world to deliver sports the way sports fans want it delivered. If the Sun won’t cover the Orioles the way sports fans want then they’ll jump over to instead. If they fail to cover the Ravens then there’s And tons of other options (wink, wink).

I believe these layoffs marked the begin of the end for the Sun. It’s only a matter of days until sports sections are only available online or not available entirely.