On Tuesday afternoon, I wrote about why Manny Machado should be considered the American League’s top premiere talent over Angels outfielder Mike Trout. In short, he’s nearly a year younger and is outperforming the 2012 American League Rookie of the Year both at the plate and in the field.
Tuesday night, Ken Rosenthal wrote about the same thing. Somehow I doubt that he read my piece, but I like to think that he did so don’t be a jerk and tell me otherwise.
Rosenthal, one of my favorite baseball writers and a former Orioles beat writer, disagrees with my opinion on Machado over Trout. Though he thinks the Orioles third baseman is definitely on the path to stardom.
In addition, Machado is batting .314 with an .877 OPS, five homers and three steals in three attempts through Tuesday. Trout is batting .274 with an .846 OPS, five homers and five steals in six attempts. Harper boasts the gaudiest offensive numbers (.312 BA, 1.033 OPS, nine HRs), but Machado’s defense rates him the edge in WAR.
So, does Machado merit the same kind of acclaim as Trout and Harper? Not yet.
Trout’s 2012 season was perhaps the greatest by a rookie in major league history. Harper also proved himself in ’12 over nearly a full season, while Machado did not reach the majors until last Aug. 9.
I suppose the sample size is just to small for Rosenthal to be a believer just yet. I can understand that, but I also have faith in Machado’s abilities over the next five months of the season.
Some people wont be believe until the truth smacks them in the face.
He’ll see it soon enough.
This kid has it all , heck he is only 20 , he may be the first test for Peter the Great to really pay a top line player top dollar , I guess we will see in four years……………….