Baltimore Ravens owner Steve Bisciotti is a Marylander through and through. His parents moved to Severna Park in 1961, he attended Baltimore Orioles and Colts games as a kid and graduated from Salisbury State University.
Many lifelong Baltimore sports fans have probably crossed paths with the billionaire owner of their favorite football franchise. If you went to Severna Park High School in the mid-70s, you definitely did.
A guy who goes by MDWilliams03 on the Ravens subreddit recently found out that his mom went to Severna Park with Bisciotti and he shared the Ravens’ owner’s yearbook photo with the world.
It’s pretty wild to think that 25ish years after that photo was taken, Bisciotti would become the majority owner of his hometown football team and the second youngest owner in the NFL.
Hey! That was my submission! Thanks for the shoutout! Here is another link: