When the Orioles won the AL East in 2014, their pitching was solid and remained healthy. In 2015, where the team went 81-81, their arms…
chaz roe
Baltimore Orioles
24 Random Orioles Stats That’ll Make Your Monday Less Dismal
Every Monday I will be posting random news and notes I can find about the Orioles either from the past week or just in…
Baltimore Orioles
Bird’s Eye View – Episode 128: State of the Orioles
Leading Off There is joy in Mudville! The Orioles winning series, and putting their stamp on the top of the standings. We hope you…
Baltimore Orioles
GIF: Chaz Roe’s Slider Is Absolutely Filthy
View image | gettyimages.com Those tats. That hair. And this slider. Chaz Roe has been a pleasant surprise in the Orioles bullpen this season.…