Amid some off and on rain showers, ten major leaguers entertained fans last night in the Home Run Derby at Target Field in Minneapolis,…
Washington Capitals
Why Caps-Bruins Is A Great Series, And Why “The Avengers” Might Suck
Perhaps I’m just looking for a silver-lining after last night’s 4-3 loss by the Capitals to the Bruins. Or maybe I’m just geeked up…
Baltimore Orioles
Anti-Moneyball: The Story Of The 1998 Orioles
Moneyball, without overstating it, is the most important and impressive non-fiction book I’ve ever read. I even read it at a time when I…
Ken Griffey, Jr. In Perspective
In case you missed it, amid all the talk of ruined perfect games, one of baseballs greats retired yesterday. While his timing ended up…