Dating can be a lot of things. It can be complicated, stressful, fun, confusing, exhilarating and sometimes even downright scary. So for us guys out there, it’s imperative that we know as much as possible about the girls we are taking out so we can at least put ourselves in position to show them a good time. But before I delve too far into any specifics about the dating scene, I just want to clarify that I will be incorporating sports into this post. By no means am I a relationship expert and I know this site isn’t somewhere you go to get dating advice, but just hear me out on this one.

Even though some of us guys claim we know a lot about the female species, the truth is we don’t. But what most of us do know a lot about is sports.  So when you decide to combine the two and take a girl on a date to a sporting event, you should choose the sport that puts you in the best position to earn another date.  There are a few factors you need to take into account here, though.  First of all, it helps to know which of the four major sports (football, baseball, basketball, hockey) she likes the best.  If she comes out and tells you she loves baseball and it’s baseball season, obviously take her to a baseball game.  But more times than not, girls tend to make things difficult.  So odds are you’re going to have to choose the event yourself.

When picking the venue, don’t choose the one you are going to like the most.  Choose the one you think SHE will like the best because as we all know, making girls happy is our goal in life (or so we make them think).  So to help everyone out, I’m going to tell you which Maryland sporting event will impress your date the most.  And one more piece of advice.  If you’re the kind of guy who is into covering yourself in body paint before a game, wait until at least the 10th date to even think about exposing her to that kind of torture. 

1.  Hockey –  Washington Capitals

Yes, I picked hockey over football.  The truth is that most girls, depending on their age, have already been to a football game and most of them probably went with an ex-boyfriend.  I’m willing to bet that if you asked 50 random girls how many have been to a hockey game, the percentage would be drastically lower than those that have been to a football game.  Girls love new experiences (keep your focus here, guys).  Surprising a girl to a Caps game is going to make more of an impression than taking them to a Ravens game.  They will think you’re different and if they are open to trying new things, they will enjoy what a hockey game has to offer.

More than anything, a live hockey game is as exciting as any sporting event especially with a team like the Caps.  Girls like excitement.  And even though hockey isn’t as laid back as baseball, where you have a chance to sit back, relax and talk about your day, it does offer you some great action to converse over during stoppages in play and in between periods.  A few girls that I have talked to that haven’t been to Caps games said they would love to go and the ones that have been, loved every second of it.  Although hockey may be a little more expensive than the other sporting events, I guarantee it will be worth every penny.

2. Football – Baltimore Ravens

If you asked a group of girls to pick their favorite sport, most would choose football.  It’s the most popular of the four major sports and it’s the one that girls know the most about.  So if you want to be safe, take her to a Ravens game .  Football also offers you the chance to get together with friends and family and tailgate before and after the game.  This will surely loosen the mood and relieve some of the pressure and awkwardness that comes with going on a date.  Just make sure you don’t go overboard on the liquid courage, aka alcohol, or you will most certainly not be going on another date.  But like I said, you can’t go wrong with taking her to a football game.

3. Baseball – Baltimore Orioles

Baseball is the most relaxing of the four sports, which could be good or bad depending on your date.  It gives you the best opportunity to talk with your date because of the continuous breaks in action and the overall laid back atmosphere.  You don’t have to worry about trying to yell over screaming fans or loud music in order to speak to your date.  A ballpark provides you with the most chill and least stressful environment with which to generate great conversation.  O’s games also have a lot of fun contests/entertainment in between innings that are beneficial for bonding.  And if you happen to get spotted by the Kiss Cam, remember to be smooth and confident.  Avoid awkwardness at any cost and pray to God that she doesn’t give you the “please don’t kiss me” look.

4. Basketball – Washington Wizards

This is my least favorite choice of the bunch.  The NBA doesn’t offer many positive aspects when it comes to the world of dating.  It is the least popular out of the four major sports as it pertains to girls and is the one they know the least about.  At least hockey is exciting enough to negate the lack of knowledge of the game and keep their interest level up.  I don’t recommend taking a girl on a date to a Wizards game unless the girl really likes them and/or they somehow make a deep playoff run and you are able to get your hands on tickets to a Game 7.  Even then, you still may have to do a good deal of explaining to peak her interest.

Despite my rankings, you must figure out which sport your date will like the most and the one you think gives you the best chance at furthering the relationship.  Sporting events can break up the monotony of just going out to dinner or watching a movie and can provide a little more excitement than the traditional date.  But that’s enough dating advice for one column.  Good luck to everyone in your romantic endeavors.

Submitted by Steve Giles