If you stayed up to watch the Orioles win in 18 innings in Seattle, you might have noticed a flock of seagulls that overtook Safeco Field. By around midnight local time, there were more birds than fans in the ballpark.
Tommy Hunter fell victim to one angry bird.
“I was minding my own business, not doing anything,” Hunter said after the game according to MLB.com’s Brittany Ghiroli. “I thought it was [Luis] Ayala throwing stuff at me. You know, he usually does. So I didn’t know what it was. I just thought someone threw a piece of gum and hit me. It wasn’t a piece of gum, man. Everybody just started dying laughing. Then everybody said it was good luck. Then we won.”
Lucky bird crap. Hey, whatever works.
“I had bird [droppings] on my head…I love it. It’s my favorite hat. It sucks. It’s terrible. I don’t even know where it is, but it’s going somewhere. It [went to the bathroom] on my head.”