Voting has officially begun for BSR’s What Would You Do for Opening Day Tickets contest. We have our contestants, now it’s your turn to decide who we send to Opening Day. Remember, the winner has to document their day.
UPDATE: Polls have closed. The winner of the Opening Day Ticket giveaway will be announced later this evening. Thank you to all of our applicants and to everyone who stopped by to vote!
O’s Fan From New York – Drive 5 hours from my house in Brewster, NY to Baltimore, sleep in my car if I couldn’t get a hotel room and my cousins from northern VA were out of town, park in Little Italy and walk a mile to OPACY to save money on parking, and dress like a maniac that would literally fight to the death for The Orioles.
Christos – I would turn my car into an oriole bird and beep my way through town and scream at the top of my lungs!
Adam – I have been an Orioles fan since I was born, I bleed orange and black. My grandmother saw the first parade they had when they came in from St. Louis. I have spent hundreds and hundreds of dollars on Oriole memorabilia. In any case I go to opening day every year. This year in particular I cannot afford tickets because of my wedding. I would do just about anything to get tickets to opening day. I would give a piece of my memorabilia to some random O’s fan walking at the game. Has to be an O’s fan though.
Lazaros Stavrou – I’d Dye my hair orange have an O shaved in my haie, somehow shave my chest hair with the O’s Logo, Wear so much orange that you could see me from the Moon, And be the loudest fan in the stands booing the Blue Jays ang cheering on the O’s
@tyjohnson1 – To make it to opening day, I would skip my Friday classes, wake up at 6 a.m. and drive straight from Raleigh, N.C. to Baltimore because I can’t miss the O’s taking BP.
AviM – What I would do for Baltimore Sports Report and the Orioles:
1) Make some posters that say the website’s name and Orioles and hold them up between innings!
2) Using paint, write BSR on one arm and write out BalSportsReport on the other!
3) Dress in orange! including Orioles shoes, orange high socks, facepaint, shirt, hat!
4) Use Orioles tweeters to whistle all game when the Orioles get hits and runs!
5) Yell for the O’s and BSR until my voice is completely dead!
6) Get a blank orange foam finger and write BSR in big letters on it!
7) Put BSR on an orange pennant and wave it around!
8 ) During the anthem, yell “O BSR!” instead of just “O!”
9) Sing Orioles Magic while waiting for gates to open, including chants of BSR in it!
10) Tell people that Ripken, Palmer, Murray, and the Robinsons all use BSR!!!
@Broncolts – I would walk from my home in Pikesville to Camden Yards with O’s written on my chest and a megaphone yelling go O’s
Jen Olin – I am a huge Baltimore O’s fan. I live in Fairfax, VA and I would make a huge sign promoting BSR as well as the Orioles. “Let’s go O’s! I love BSR, read BSR. I would also promote helping out with Habitat for Humanity.” I really really want those tickets. My mom recently passed away and I have lost my job about 3 weeks ago. I go every year and don’t want to miss this year. I really really would do anything to get these tickets.
why is avi m not listed in the poll?
Thanks for noticing. Avi M is up now. So far we have one vote and it's only come from the person who submitted their entry.
Wow, Jen's story is the most compelling. She got my vote!
ALL of the stories sound convincing, but who would be willing to arrive at OPACYs two hours before game time and hand out BSR stickers to the 45K fans in the house? I LOVE BSR and all who are associated with it, but I think that the winner should be willing to give something back to this group of upstarts. What say you???
Man, Will-o should've submitted for this giveaway. He's already going though isn't he?
Zach, I LOVE you and want to see you guys have as much success as possible. I think it's great for you are doing for Baltimore sports and Baltimore teams. Let's give the BSR as much as they are giving us…your concept is great and your product is entertaining.
Well I really appreciate that and I know everyone else here does too. We mark hard on creating a good product on BSR and the community is a really rewarding part of what we do.
i would give out stickers gladly! i will be down there by 11 am hopefully and would do it!
We'll have to send you some avi!
win or lose i will help give out stickers
We'll have to send you some then!
These aren't Super Bowl tickets!
Money for nothing and tixs for free…hand out that darn BSR stickers and enjoy the game.
That's alright! We're all for promoting BSR!
Jen's story is very compelling! She got my vote, too! (Good luck!)
avi sounds like a real hardcore fan! seriously, only a great fan would go down 5 hours before the game starts
Avi is a hard core O's fan for sure. But it's a close race, broncolts has taken the lead though. KEEP VOTING FOLKS!
more than hardcore here lol. got home from a week down in sarasota. went to 50 home games last year hoping for 60 this year. its awesome that the entire bullpen knows me, along with like every usher at oriole park
you should get ronnie and em to vote for you to! lol
I don't see what the point was in telling our stories of "WHAT YOU WOULD DO" for opening day tickets…… The voting is simply a contest of who has the most friends and family that own computers. I wouldn't have bothered in the 1st place if I had known that.
If it means anything, I keep voting for you.
Hey Guys,
Thanks for voicing your concerns with the contest. This is our first of many big giveaways here on BSR and we wanted to make it as engaging for fans as possible. We felt it would be unfair to have the BSR staff select the winner of the giveaway so we opened it up to the fans. We only allowed people to vote once so that no one would sway the ballot with multiple votes. Our mission was to let the readers select what they wanted to see someone do for opening day tickets, as the winner will have to document their day for us. We will have numerous different giveaways throughout the rest of 2010 and are open to any and all suggestions on future giveaways.
i was about to comment about that. with all due respect to @broncolts, i feel like my answer is the best for the question at hand. i did get a few friends to vote, but i feel like it should somehow work based on the answer not the person. idk how it would work but yea. i feel like there are so many votes now because i voted and it only went up 1 percent, which means a ton of people have voted for mine without me asking, but i feel like not THAT many people would have voted for his without his prompt beforehand. its all good tho and i will still come to opening day and hopefully get standing room only tix. would still be glad to give out stickers or anything for the site tho! willing to support anyone who supports orioles baseball!
Well thanks for your support Avi. You were up by a lot before, and you're really close right now actually. The main thing I want everyone to know is that it's not over yet. POLLS ARE OPEN TIL 5 PM TOMORROW! Keep voting and keep getting your friends to vote for you!
I know but I feel that it is pointless to get friends to vote when they have no idea what it's for, since they aren't everyday followers here. It does basically become a who has more friends contest. So on that note I agree with Os fan from New York. On the other hand, I wish @broncolts the best. I would love to still help the site out, and @broncolts, feel free to e-mail me and I'd love to meet up Opening Day to cheer together for the O's and BSR! Can't wait for Orioles Magic!
O's Fan from NewYork – You always cry when you don't win? You lost, leave it at that… Congratulate the winner and move on. Guess you weren't a good recipient of the "Participation Trophies" you received if your Little League team didn't some in 1st.
wow i thought this was going to be a nice contest but it is so hostile now.
Polls are still open. It's anyone's game!
no matter what, GO OS!
agreed let them have a good year hopefully over .500 this year
yup. im hoping 83 wins, because that breaks 500 and is 83! p.s. read my comment up a few comments.
Glad to hear that you guys are all big fans though. And again I'd like to emphasize that the polls are still open for voting.
Avi: I'd love to see your comments on some of our posts about the Orioles throughout the year! Feel free to jump in a join our community.
i would love to join the crowd. i run an orioles blog (well used to but got lazy with it) but know just about everything in baseball and the orioles. when anyone i know needs orioles info and opinions they come to me lol. will email you separately from this post. would love to meet up opening day with the @broncolts and anyone else
p.s. its avi just logged onto twitter
O's Fan From NewYork – You answered my "Participation Trophy" question… And a few others that I had…. I would do a battle of wits on here with you but I see your only half filled and since you would lose I am saving you the embarrassment of going up for that "Participation Trophy".
Ravens2488 would never be a trouble maker like this.
btw if i won, instead of writing on my arm, i would cover my arms in the bsr stickers, which would hurt to take off lol
Sadler – Why is my name brought into this? Don't know what your talking about?
Following a hunch.
2488 appears to be innocent in this battle. He's been munching on jujubees all day…too busy to argue.
Sadler – You can view email addresses of commenters..
Zach is right, I busy munching all day…
JuJu Bees again? Or did the Easter Bunny treat you well?
Maybe I can….. Maybe I can't
I just have one questions for you… "are you feeling lucky?"
Yeahhh, I was munchin'….
@Broncolts will never be able to walk from Pikesville to Camden Yards. It will take him all day. Ridiculous idea because that would never happen.
Thank you for your input on the contest. BSR wanted to create the most compelling competition for the Opening Day tickets and to do so we allowed the fans to vote for what they wanted to see someone do for the Opening Day tickets. By only allowing fans to vote once, we feel that we provided a fair platform for every candidate, as opposed to having the BSR staff select the winner.
Clearly i know how long it would take and i would leave early
congrats on winning, ill be in pikesville friday morning lol so ill be driving tho but good luck. still would love to meet up shot me an email
ok i will
@broncolts. Email me your info:
This contest is not based on the answer that you give but only how many friends you have to vote for you. @broncolts idea is not even possible. That would never happen. There is no way that you can walk to Camden Yards from Pikesville and still be able to watch the game. You would be done. Are you going to walk home after that too as an encore? Come on.
Adam – Don't be a sore loser, like USMC #1 told "O's Fan from NewYork", you must have hated your "Particpation Trophy" you received in Little League when your team didn't come in 1st. Hey, at least after every game you got a 4oz cup of soda and a licroice stick…. May the "Baltimore Sports Report" can give you a little "Participation Certificate". Would that make you happy?
Listen up people, if you can't handle losing then don't play the game. There can only be one winner…
You don't even know what you are talking about. I am just stating the facts. I don't care if I lose it is just a contest. Sounds like someone got the "participation trophy" when they were a kid because you know a little to much about that.
I understand the frustration with the contest. We asked for creative entries. I am not sure the most creative entry won. That's okay. The winner won based on the criteria handed out.
This is our first major contest. The team will rethink how we do something like this next time. We appreciate the effort of our participants. We hope this experience doesn't deter you from coming back.
As for @broncolts, enjoy the game. Give us something back that we can post on the site. Hopefully we can get some pics of your blistered feet. 😉
As of USMC #1 or Ravens2488, just ignore him(them). He has nothing better to whine about since we can't bash the Ravens organization at the moment.
I agree with USMC #1 in regards to you all, Adam, O's fan NY and Orioles983, to stop your whinning. You lost and thats that. Grow up! I give Kudos to the BSR for doing a contest for the fans and I'm not even an O's fan.
Maybe you three whinners, USMC #1 & myself can get together over some juice boxes, Skittles, chicken fingers & Sour Nerds and talk about you all not being winners in life.
Ah man, chicken fingers sound awesome right now. You have any honey mustard?
Anyway, thanks for the shoutout 2488, we're going to have lots of cool giveaways this year. This is just the first!
Sadler – I'm feeling meloncholy. Aside from my normal "Puttin on the Ritz" feeling I have days where I feel diabolical but today is a fresh start for you & me….
Let me ask you this Sadler Baby – You ever dance with a crazed Jackal?
No, but I have danced with the Devil in the pale moonlight.
Listening to you agree with USMC #1 reminded me of Blazing Saddles….. "Howard Johnson is right…."
There is no reason for us to start over. There is , however, a compelling reason for us to pound Natty Bohs before a game in a few weeks.
YES! Siked for baseball season!