Voting has officially begun for BSR’s What Would You Do for Opening Day Tickets contest. We have our contestants, now it’s your turn to decide who we send to Opening Day. Remember, the winner has to document their day.

UPDATE: Polls have closed. The winner of the Opening Day Ticket giveaway will be announced later this evening. Thank you to all of our applicants and to everyone who stopped by to vote!

O’s Fan From New York – Drive 5 hours from my house in Brewster, NY to Baltimore, sleep in my car if I couldn’t get a hotel room and my cousins from northern VA were out of town, park in Little Italy and walk a mile to OPACY to save money on parking, and dress like a maniac that would literally fight to the death for The Orioles.

Christos – I would turn my car into an oriole bird and beep my way through town and scream at the top of my lungs!

Adam – I have been an Orioles fan since I was born, I bleed orange and black. My grandmother saw the first parade they had when they came in from St. Louis. I have spent hundreds and hundreds of dollars on Oriole memorabilia. In any case I go to opening day every year. This year in particular I cannot afford tickets because of my wedding. I would do just about anything to get tickets to opening day. I would give a piece of my memorabilia to some random O’s fan walking at the game. Has to be an O’s fan though.

Lazaros Stavrou – I’d Dye my hair orange have an O shaved in my haie, somehow shave my chest hair with the O’s Logo, Wear so much orange that you could see me from the Moon, And be the loudest fan in the stands booing the Blue Jays ang cheering on the O’s

@tyjohnson1 – To make it to opening day, I would skip my Friday classes, wake up at 6 a.m. and drive straight from Raleigh, N.C. to Baltimore because I can’t miss the O’s taking BP.

AviM – What I would do for Baltimore Sports Report and the Orioles:
1) Make some posters that say the website’s name and Orioles and hold them up between innings!
2) Using paint, write BSR on one arm and write out BalSportsReport on the other!
3) Dress in orange! including Orioles shoes, orange high socks, facepaint, shirt, hat!
4) Use Orioles tweeters to whistle all game when the Orioles get hits and runs!
5) Yell for the O’s and BSR until my voice is completely dead!
6) Get a blank orange foam finger and write BSR in big letters on it!
7) Put BSR on an orange pennant and wave it around!
8 ) During the anthem, yell “O BSR!” instead of just “O!”
9) Sing Orioles Magic while waiting for gates to open, including chants of BSR in it!
10) Tell people that Ripken, Palmer, Murray, and the Robinsons all use BSR!!!

@Broncolts – I would walk from my home in Pikesville to Camden Yards with O’s written on my chest and a megaphone yelling go O’s

Jen Olin – I am a huge Baltimore O’s fan. I live in Fairfax, VA and I would make a huge sign promoting BSR as well as the Orioles. “Let’s go O’s! I love BSR, read BSR. I would also promote helping out with Habitat for Humanity.” I really really want those tickets. My mom recently passed away and I have lost my job about 3 weeks ago. I go every year and don’t want to miss this year. I really really would do anything to get these tickets.