Like many Ravens fans I spent months trying to find the original season of the NFL Films HBO show Hard Knocks that featured our very own Baltimore Ravens.
I looked for DVDs on, several retailers, and even looked to contact someone at NFL Films to request a copy. Eventually, I just gave up.
Now, I’m happy to announce that NFL Films has posted the entire collection of Hard Knocks on Hulu. Ravens fans can watch the original series in it’s entirety here.
Enjoy and remember the good times after their Super Bowl run.
When Jamal went down on that show, that was the end of any chance the Ravens had at repeating. Do you know who hit him?!? Kelly "Buddy Lee" Greg. He was just a youngster trying to make the team and he took down one of the Ravens' top performers in a drill!!! It was accidental, of course, but I'm sure Greg wanted to run away and hide.
Buddy Lee! We all wanted to run him out of town back then. You've got to think that if Jamal was healthy the Ravens would have had a great chance to being repeat champs.
So wait, Z-Man…A second-year running back with a history of knee problems was the key to the chances of Repeating? The change in QBs wasn't a factor? The Great OZ's failure to come up with a replacement any better than Marcus Allen's over-the-hill cousin wasn't a factor? The stubbornness of Coach Billick in sticking with Elvis despite his woefully inept performance in the playoff loss to the Stillers wasn't a factor? Look, I hate to bust on you, but both Coach and General Manager had significant responsibility in the failure to repeat, in my opinion.
Na Bruz I agree with your points. I think the Ravens won it all as a team with one of the best defenses of all time, a QB that didn't turn the ball over, and one hell of a running back. You pull the running back out of that equation and they didn't stand a chance. The Grbac situation looks terrible now that we look back on that year. But I think their chances of repeating really went out the window when Jamal went down.
Yea, the change in QB was a factor.
If Dilfer was the QB of the 01 team they would've gone 6-10, not 10-6.
The part that nobody talks about is who was supposed to block Gregg.
Mike Flynn……………
Yeah, but who paid Flynn to miss the block…..Terry Allen and Jason Brookins.
Not replacig Grbac with Cunningham also played a factor in the Ravens going down that year. But it is hard to blame Billick or that call with all the money Grbac was being paid.
Ozzie also made a bad move in signing Leon Searcy to play RT. A lot of cap money wasted there.