First and foremost, happy Monday. The Ravens are 8-3 after a solid 17-10 win over the Bucs. Now it’s time for the Steelers.
The Ravens week 13 matchup at home against the 8-3 Steelers is without a doubt their biggest game of the season. It’s could be the difference between division winner and wild card and will definitely play a role in fate of these teams moving into the playoffs.
We are putting a great deal of attention into Steelers Week here on Everyday we’ll be serving up fresh content, from the smack talk between the players to a look back at this great rivalry. Here’s the Steelers Week page, we’ve also created a hashtag on twitter to follow this great Sunday Night matchup. You can tweet about Steelers Week by clicking here.
Are you ready for Steelers Week?
I'm curious about this comment…
"…from the smack talk between the players…"
What smack talk?!?!?
Nothing but respect coach. But thanks for stopping bye!
Wallace is going to break your backs. Don't government about our other secret weapons. Sorry John..not your night
Tobias, we won't government on your secret weapons if you don't Mike and Ike on ours.
Haha. I love it. I think this is just the beginning though Expat!