It’s a damn shame that on the eve of Baltimore’s first home playoff game since 2006, I have to write about something so stupid.
Steve Kilar of The Baltimore Sun reports that Ravens linebacker Terrell Suggs is putting the shackles on Ball So Hard University and his company, Team Sizzle Films Inc., is sending cease and desist letters to local t-shirt manufacturers using the slogan.
Suggs has reportedly filed five trademark applications to use Ball So Hard University and T-Sizzle. His website is currently selling “officially licensed” BSHU clothing.
“These T-shirt people are guys sitting on a corner. … They don’t go through the proper channels,” Suggs’ manager Denise White said. “Terrell is trying to do it the right way. It’s his baby.”
Shouldn’t Suggs worry more about getting the Ravens to Indianapolis than branding a gimmicky fan slogan? I mean, c’mon, his team is two wins away from the Super Bowl and he’s spending his time making sure Bob from Essex isn’t selling $10 shirts on Pratt Street with a phrase he took from a Jay-Z song.
Look, I’m a Suggs fan. I talked about his awesome season in a blog post just last week and I think he’s the Defensive Player of the Year, but isn’t $63 million enough? Do you really have to flex your muscles to the fans that fund your paycheck?
Last night on Twitter, Suggs tweeted to @T_SIZZLE_55, an unofficial Terrell Suggs page, and threatened to sue the owner for associating himself with the Ravens linebacker.
While it’s something petty and stupid, does it really matter? Does Suggs really need to concern himself with a guy on Twitter that tweets about the Ravens? Does he need to threaten to sue him? And even if you feel he does, shouldn’t he be more concerned with the Texans?
It’s a shame because this is something that should have united Ravens fans. It was something unique and something that was a storyline to a fun season. Instead it’ll now be remembered as that thing that was killed by greed.
Zach Wilt is the Founding Editor of and Host of the BSR Podcast. You can follow him on Twitter @zamwi or send him an email:
Dude – you got everyone spun up on a lie. that twitter comment was about someone pretending to be him…not about his clothing.
EXACTLY and these ppl claim 2 be BALTIMORE supports they only worried about ppl reading this ISH on their website and GOT NERVE 2 call sumone else GREEDY dam hypocrites is what this GUY is, and makes me sick YOU ARE A JOKE say u wanna ring for baltimore I CANT TELL
my bad…you did say that. Others are posting on twitter about suing about the clothes…
You are so wrong about this. First off I’m sure that it’s his company thats really taking action on his behalf. Do you really think that Suggs it searching around for people using the slogan, and taking notes?
Secondly, if he took the time and filed the for trademarks he is clearly within his rights to send cease and desist letters to those offenders. Just because Nike is a multi-billion dollar company, should they no longer go after counterfeiters?
The original shirt (the one Suggs wore to the press on Nov 9th) is on
“You are so wrong about this. First off I’m sure that it’s his company thats really taking action on his behalf. Do you really think that Suggs it searching around for people using the slogan, and taking notes?”
I’m sure you’re right about that. Suggs has plenty of money, but I’m sure his company/people want a cut of the action for themselves. Sad.
YOU shouldnt be writing this BS if you really wanted this CITY 2 bring home another CHAMPIONSHIP, u shoulda left it alone, BUT guess YOU are no better then the BOOT LEG PHONEYS, all u worried about is getting hits views on this site. Youre no BETTER then them, U make me sick,LIKE u think he should be focused on GAME, THEN why YOU writing ISH 2 start ISH WILL NEVER READ YOUR ISH AGAIN and u call yourself a BALTIMORE supporter YOU ARE A JOKE #BallSoHard #SIZZLERULES IF U REALLY WANTED NO DISTRACTIONS u shoulda left this alone
@johnCarl – By the looks of your writing it seems that the 8th Grade was the best 3 years of your life…
Saw your car the other day… Looks good Hoss… Those Yosemite Sam mud flaps really set the car off. That front license plate that has “Cool Dude” airbrushed on it in neon colors and Hefty trash bag for a passenger side window look good on your “78 El Camino”.
I am sorry. I wrote a lot of jibberish that amounted to nothing but making me look stupid. I dropped out of school, but did get my GED. I’m trying to lay off the hippy lettuce, but I just can’t seem to shake the demons. I hope we can be friends. You seem cool.
Yeah Zach! Like @johnCarl says. Now that you wrote this article all the Ravens players are distracted because of your article and won’t be focused on the game! Way to distract the Ravens Zach! If the Ravens lose today it’s on your article Zach!
no do it Intimidator. no trust crown JOHNCARL. Chow know JOHNCARL and he asscrown who rikes start trouble. no one on BSR rike JOHNCARL cause he mentarity in question.
Wow, Zach, until johnCarl pointed it out, I wasn’t aware of how much power and influence the BSR had. You mean to tell me that by writing certain articles, you can dictate what happens in the games?!?! Wow, and we all thought Tebow had help from above…
Good old capitalism , God bless America…………
Vive la déco mais vive la déco artisanale, avec mon petit budget je suis obligé, merci à votre blog pour les bons plans et idées déco. Laura.
Makes me glad I’m a Steelers fan.
GregC, you’re also a loser, nobody cares.