I certainly don’t expect the Red Sox fans that were defending their legacy after I called them out on Wednesday to chime in today after the Orioles took the first two from Boston. Regardless, the Orioles delivered against the Sox’s ace in a dramatic 5-4 win.

In the fourth inning, Luke Scott hit a 424 foot Eutaw Street bomb off of Josh Beckett. Scott flipped his bat and then ran around the bases as he was glared out by the Beckett. MLB.com’s Brittany Ghiroli reported that Scott heard from his teammates that Beckett was glaring at him and apparently shouting at the Orioles dugout.

After being asked about bat flip, Beckett snapped back at reporters. “Is this TMZ? I thought we were talking about a baseball game,” he said according to Ghiroli. Yeah Josh, we are…one in which you complained to the umpire and your opposition after you gave up a two run bomb.

“Those things have a way of working themselves out,” Beckett said. That sounds an awful lot like a threat. You listening, commish?

Scott told reporters he has “all of the respect in the world for Josh Beckett,” saying he’s one of the best pitchers in the game. The O’s look to sweep the Sox with Brad Bergesen on the hill in game three.