Leading Off

Well… that was… oof. The Orioles are back to the outside, looking in, at the AL Wild Card race. After blowing it against the Yankees and the Indians, the Birds need to right the ship, and hope for a lot of help.

We’ll give MLB this, though: changing the Wild Card format did exactly what they hoped: it has kept fans bases engaged like those in Baltimore, and anyone else hovering around .500. We may no longer really believe in this team, but we can’t necessarily say they’re out of it.

Join us for The Drink of the Week and see who has been admitted to The Medical Wing.


The Medical Wing

This Week on the Twitters



Technical Difficulties with Jon Meoli

We had a really great conversation with Jon Meoli of the Baltimore Sun. Unfortunately, technology conspired against us. What you missed was a r eally insightful discussion as to how likely it is that the Orioles will resign Wade Miley, and how likely it is that we will want to fire him into the sun, once they do. We also discussed whether the dramatic arrival of Trey Mancini should make us feel more confident about the arrival of Austin Hays.

But you will hear none of that. You’ll just have to take our word for it that the conversation was very real, and it was spectacular. Instead, join us mid stream, in the conversation. Hey – in 200+ episodes, it was bound to happen just once.

You can find Jon on Twitter @JonMeoli, and can find his work on baltimoresun.com/orioles.


Temper Fantrum

We all have moments of rage, as sports fans. I can’t imagine getting through an entire Orioles season without wanting to throw my television (or radio) through the window. We’ve talked on this show about our best… well, most notable…” fan rage moments.

What is your most notable” temper fantrum? What is your least favorite fantrum trope the fantrum Orioles fans go to when they just need to unleash their fury?



Fantasy Boss

Jake wins, to take the score to 6-4-2. This past week’s category was K-BB%. Jake’s pick (Darren O’Day) put in a decent showing at 20%. Scott’s pick (Miguel Castro)… well, let’s just say that 38.5% is not going to get it done. 

This week’s category is dongs.

Jake went Adam Jones

Scott selected Jonathan Schoop


Remember our Wild Cards. Scott has added another this week, in an attempt to catch up.


  1. Which player will hit the next 450+ ft home run. Jake went with Jonathan Schoop and Scott took Manny Machado.
  2. Which player will have the next multi-home run game? Jake went with Manny Machado, and Scott took Jonathan Schoop.



Who will own it?


Blowing the Save


Most podcasts try to end on a high note – the perfect coda to a quality program. That’s just not our style. Each week, we’ll end on a weak note, blowing the save with an item that didn’t quite fit into the episode, or something they simply need to get off their chests. It’s our version of taking the ball and pulling a Kevin Gregg.



Your Turn

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