Orioles first baseman Derrek Lee told Roch Kubatko of MASNSports.com that he thinks the O’s have a “good lineup” and was “fired up” when the Orioles signed Vlad Guerrero.
Kubatko reported that Lee is “ahead of schedule” in his recovery from the thumb surgery that he had over the offseason. “It’s getting much better,” Lee said after a soft toss session.
Lee was encouraged by Buck Showalter’s effect on the Orioles over the final third of the 2010 season. “Even in the National League, you saw what Baltimore was doing to finish up the season,” he said.
“We’ve got a good lineup. It’s exciting,” he said. “One through nine, we’ve got guys who can hit. We’ve got some speed in the lineup. I think we’re going to be able to put some runs on the board. When you’re scoring runs, it’s fun. When you’re not scoring runs, this game can be a little frustrating sometimes.”
Lee is expected to be looked up to by the young Orioles players as a veteran leader. “And you can show them the ropes along the way, whatever advice they may need or questions they may have,” he said.
What do you expect him to say? I think it is safe to say he wasn't dying to come here when the offseason began, and probably signed due to a lack of other options. The least he can do is say the right things, which he is.
Enjoy Lee, Vlad, Hardy and Duchscherer for the 4 months you have them… By the trade deadline they will have been traded to contenders… Then look to Scott, Izturis, Henderson and Pie to fill their spots…
"Ain't no sunshine when she's gone…."
Boston RedSox 2011 World Champion!
Sorry… Hendrickson… Come on give me a break, you knew I was talking about Hendrickson…
Heard he was a heckuva clubhouse guy. He needs to instill a winning attitude in this team.
He needs to hit .300 with 25-30 HR and 100 RBI.
He won't be here long enough to do it…
This is getting rediculous SADLER!!!! Did you censor my comment on here? I commented after Sheila stating that Lee is going to be traded at the trade deadline…
no….. I get an email for all your stuff. I didn't get anything from you. I will check the records.
Sadler – All of a sudden after my email to you the message appears… If you didn't censor it then my apologies…
I rearely apologize (Agenda, verify?) so you might want to save that… But if I'm wrong then I'm wrong… I've seen some of my others get taken off here so I'm trigger happy…
It was marked for spam. That is something the application did automatically.I only really moderate your comments if I think they will drive new people away AND I always tell you why I did it.Sent from my iPhone
I'm being targeted by the man… Like I said, my apologies but I will tell you that I am getting very irritated that some of my posts are being censored… I haven't ran a "Cheesegrater" comment for awhile…
I don't believe in that "PC" (Politically Correct for you morons) garbage… That's what wrong with this country, we're afraid to tell someone the truth. We give kids "Partiicipation" Trophies to make them happy… If "Cat" is spelled "Kat" you get an "A" for effort….
No one backs anyone up anymore… Its "One for all and all for one"….
I live under one personal code and that is "Bullets for your Brother"… I use it as a biker, a Fed, and a friend… You on my side then I'll bite one for you, I'll be the first to run interference for you, I'll run with you side-by-side… Go against me, then you take the bullet…
Oh man, see what you started me on Sadler? One of the worst things to get me going on…