From what I hear, the NFL Draft continued tonight.
The above statement is based on what I’ve read on Twitter though. After three rounds and two days of coverage, I’m seen a grand total of 00:00 seconds of the draft.
But fear not, I have been catching up on what I missed while I was in freezing out at Camden Yards and I noticed that Ozzie Newsome and company traded up to snag Temple running back Bernard Pierce. After hearing for the last 24 hours how much the Ravens value each and every pick, I found it interesting that they would give up their 91st and 164th picks to the Falcons for the 84th to select Pierce.
They must really think he’s a righteous dude.
The Ravens tweeted that Newsome “wanted to ensure they got him” and he called Pierce “a one-cut runner with some size.”
Through some more research, I learned tonight that Pierce was the centerpiece of Temple’s offense and he ran for a total of 3,570 yards and 53 touchdown in his three years in college. He appears to be a back that, at least for the time being, will help the Ravens in the red zone and in short yardage situations.
But what about as a replacement for Ray Rice?
With just a little over $1 million in cap room, it’s tough to see the Ravens handing out big extensions to both Rice and Joe Flacco. We know that Rice was unhappy with his franchise tender and have heard the negotiations for his extension haven’t gone well.
Is it unrealistic to think that Newsome and Eric DeCosta see Pierce as Rice’s eventual replacement?
I don’t think it is and I believe the Ravens are smart enough to know that locking Rice up long-term isn’t a good option. Just think about when they drafted Rice to “backup” Willis McGahee in 2008. Rice got 107 carries compared to McGahee’s 170 in ’08, then in ’09 Rice took the majority of handoffs (254/109) and that was all she wrote for Willis.
I guess the lesson here kids is “don’t fall in love with running backs.”
Holmes, Jamal Lewis, MacGahee, Rice, now Pierce, it’s the Ravens’ M.O. sports fans. They keep a back 4,5 years and move on.
No commitment to the team’s MVP is AWFUL! All these other teams have committed a 3-5 yr deal to the RB and the Ravens…nothing. What a pathetic move. Whether they do it all the time or not, it’s wrong not to commit. When the Orioles let Jones go or Weiters go, there should be no backlash because that is what the Ravens do!
The history was there…
Hey Nails,,,,,,,,the Ravens offered him Foster money but he wants more , he is too greedy man,,,,,,,,,I like Rice plenty but he has to be realistic ………..
Hey Spy, me and you are agreeing too much here lately. Let’s do lunch. It sounds like a negotiating ploy on both sides. if that is the case, he will sign a 3 yr deal.
IN OZZ WE TRUST The Ravens know what there doing. Idols are made by fans. Its a Team sport. Bye Bye Rice
In Ozzie we trust…? he has been more lucky than good, just check his draft record. 14 1st or second round picks never went anywhere excpet to the bank.
Ray Rice is too greedy. He should get over himself already and improve his attitude. Plus he was a no-show in the AFC Championship game. Running backs don’t have very long careers anyway. Lock up Flacco long term (as his career will be much longer than Rice’s) and for the running back, “next man up” and let’s give the ball to Pierce. I do miss the brusing style of Jamal Lewis – wished his career lasted longer with the Ravens.
9inchnail can you mr spy and chow go lunch togethel. chow tleat you and mr spy. ok big nail?
You don’t pay a guy for what he’s already done except as a basis for what he’s expected to do in the future contract. Sports business isn’t about rewarding past performance but comepnsating for expected future returns. If nothing else, Rices leverage is depleted to some degree and they have a solid back up option for this year (and next if Rice doesn’t sign). As for Newsome being lucky, that’s a joke. Every analyst that follows the game recognizes that Oz and Co are one of the premier drafting groups in the NFL.
Who said Ozzie got lucky?!? You’re making stuff up now.
Check the records…Show me one Tom Brady type pick….show me someone other than Lewis, Ogden, Reed and the other obvious 1st rounders that did great things.
Tom Brady-type pick? That’s the epitome of luck. Getting a HOFer in the 6th round. If that’s what you’re looking for from an organization, then you’re right…the Ravens will never meet your “high” standards.
9inchnails said Ozzie was “more lucky than good.”
I’d say web has done good, Johnson did great, ray rice, leron mcclain did well, pitta, bart Scott, and a slew of others did well. Only boller, Travis Taylor have been total busts. Most first round guys have been pro bowlers with three d player of years
I guess the reality is if you’re not Adrian Peterson, you’re not getting a big paycheck. But don’t say Rice is greedy, he has been the Ravens offense for the past three years. He’s going after what he and his agent feels he deserves. He doesn’t realize RB’s are not featured as much in the NFL now and the Ravens do have a track record. This is a business, why should Rice give the Ravens a deal, if he thinks he can do better somewhere else, let him go. But you better hope this new guy is good or you’ll be wishing for him to come back in two to three years.