GQ magazine unveiled their list of the “Worst Sports Fans in America” and to the surprise of many listed the Maryland Terps basketball fans as fifth behind the Oakland Raider, West Virginia Mountaineers, Philadelphia Eagles and Philadelphia Phillies. No love for Philly there.
GQ’s Adam Winer listed five of Maryland’s riots after big wins as the reason they are listed at number five. Lame. At least go Scott Van Pelt on the Terps fans and call them out for not attending games.
I think the Terps are in interesting company on this list. Are they really as bad as Oakland Raider fans? I don’t fear being killed by a woman with black makeup and spikes coming out of her shoulders in the Comcast Center. So they set stuff on fire? Does it really mean they are worse than Red Sox or Yankees fans?
I don’t think so.
And if they are it’s because they don’t support their team when they are struggling. Call Maryland fans out for being bandwagon fans, not for rioting.
Hey, at least the Maryland Terps are being mentioned in the midst of the NCAA tournament.
As a side note, doesn’t the guy in the GQ picture look like Tracy Morgan?
Who cares what GQ thinks
@charles – Guys that wear ascotts.
Who cares what GQ thinks. Like no other campuses partake in unruly behavior after big victories. Have they ever been to Morgantown, WV where the burn couches in the street? Such garbage journalism.
heck Jim Rome on “Rome is Burning” said he could guarantee two things about his Gauchos following the game against Florida. If they win, kegs will be tapped and couches will be burned. If they lose, kegs will be tapped and couches will be burned.
“Have they ever been to Morgantown, WV where the burn couches in the street?” -charles
From the article:
“GQ magazine unveiled their list of the ‘Worst Sports Fans in America’ and to the surprise of many listed the Maryland Terps basketball fans as fifth behind the Oakland Raider, WEST VIRGINIA MOUNTAINEERS…”
They must have an awesome reading comprehension program at College Park.
I guess the writer at GQ has never been to a Yankees, Dodgers, New York Jets or Giants, Detroit Pistons, New Yor Knicks, or Pittsburgh Penguins game.