It seems like just about everyone is going back to work today. I hope everyone enjoyed Christmas and New Year’s as much as I did — but now it’s time to get back to business.
With that in mind, it’s time to dive head first into a regular posting schedule here on BSR.
I’ve never used this website to talk much about me personally, but I feel that I should give an update given the big change in my life. I’m currently typing this post on a laptop on top of a box containing shoes and a couple belts. My wife and I just moved and Comcast has decided to take their sweet ol’ time getting us connected with internet. So I’ve found the one spot in our new house where I can borrow it from a neighbor for the time being.
Who knows how long it will take to receive the internet service I paid for several days ago. But no more excuses.
2012 brought BSR tremendous growth. Our friends at GableSigns have continued to support our efforts and we’ve partnered up with the best Ravens fan-site, Russell Street Report, to collaborate and share some of (what we think is) the most well-thought-out Baltimore sports content in all the land.
This year should be even better. We’ll continue to provide our opinions on all things Orioles, Terps and Ravens, give you the most entertaining Baltimore sports podcast every week and may even throw in a few surprises along the way.
So, happy (belated) new year. Thanks for reading.
Thank you Zach,,,,,,,,,,,and a Happy New Year to you and your wife in your new location , by the way , no cable , no problem , just create your own shows in every room of the house , chase her from room to room and enjoy yourself buddy……………….
Hey , I criticise you as much or more than the next guy but when all is said and done , I enjoy this site very much and I thank you for it…………………there are some real characters that post on this site and it is better off for them being so honest , honesty is something the world could use more of……………….
Have a great year to all………………………