Welcome to our newest weekly feature Hit or Miss: BSR’s look at this week’s top match ups.

The concept is simple, we take a look at 5 of our favorite head to head battles of the week and tell you who was victorious.


HIT: Kobe Bryant
MISS: Anita Marks

This matchup wasn’t even fair from the start. Kobe Bryant wins his 4th NBA championship and proves Anita Marks wrong in yet another sports argument. For the past two weeks Anita has been criticizing Bryant. If I have to hear Marks say that Kobe is a “punk” one more time I’m going to lose my mind. Baltimore’s biggest Willis McGahee fan doesn’t like Kobe. Hmmm… Enjoy that number 24 jersey Anita while Kobe enjoys bringing LA it’s 15th title…this time without Shaq.


HIT: Luis Castillo
MISS: Milton Bradley

This wasn’t an easy match up. Luis Castillo dropped a routine pop up from the bat of Alex Rodriguez which allowed the Yankees to defeat the Mets in game one of their series. Milton Bradley threw a ball into the stands with only 2 outs in an inning allowing a run to score. Castillo duffed a ball and felt stupid, Bradley said he “wasn’t embarrassed.” For not being embarrassed by an idiotic gesture, you miss Milton.


HIT: David Letterman
MISS: Sarah Palin

Even though David Letterman’s joke was indeed in bad taste, Sarah Palin’s comments on the Today Show made us remember how truly stupid she is and Letterman issued an apology. For a few months we forgot about our favorite maverick. For reminding us Ms. Palin, you miss.


PUSH: Rachel Nichols and Shelley Smith

I couldn’t decide which is worse, ESPN trying to make Rachel Nichols look hot or watching Shelley Smith.


HIT: Stan Van Gundy
MISS: Ron Jeremy

I was listening to Jeremy Conn talk about how much Stan Van Gundy looked like Ron Jeremy. He’s right and it’s scary. Stan definitely wins this match up though, he was a fluke all year long and made it too the finals.