Of all the Steelers that I pick on, James Harrison if by far my favorite. I know that Hines Ward is hated throughout Baltimore and that Ben Roethlisberger is the face of a city that we despise. But Harrison is a blockheaded, arrogant, dirty player that never gets the criticism nationally that he should.
While Ndamukong Suh’s stomping enraged the entire county, some how Harrison’s constant helmet-to-helmet hits never seem to draw the attention that they should. Thankfully, NFL commissioner Roger Goodell has seen enough from the chest thumping Steelers linebacker and decided to put him in timeout this week with a one game suspension.
The league’s dirtiest player threw a cheap shot at Browns quarterback Colt McCoy during the fourth quarter of Thursday’s contest against the Cleveland Browns. McCoy was scrambling and just after he threw a quick pass to Montario Hardesty, Harrison launched his helmet right into McCoy’s, giving the Browns QB a concussion.
Hard hits are what the NFL is all about, but Harrison has a history of dirty plays and cheap shots. I have no problem with a guy making a hit on a quarterback in the open field, but don’t lead with the helmet. If Harrison is stupid enough to keep making these shots after the $125,000 the NFL fined him last year for similar hits, then a suspension is just what the doctor ordered.
What makes Harrison even dumber are his comments about said hits. Prior to the NFL’s suspension Harrison said he didn’t think the hit was “worthy of anything.” When the news broke he tweeted “lol.”
Two things on that.
- Football players, or any grown man for that matter, shouldn’t be using “lol.”
- What is funny about continuing to make dangerous hits that cause head injuries?
I don’t know what to think about James Harrison. I’ll keep calling him an idiot and a cheap shot artist for making these hits over and over and over again, but maybe he just doesn’t care. Either way he’s my least favorite of my least favorites.
Zach Wilt is the Founding Editor of BaltimoreSportsReport.com and host of the BSR Podcast. You can email him at: zach@baltimoresportsreport.com, follow him on twitter @zamwi or get in touch with the podcast at podcast@baltimoresportsreport.com or 443-379-4BSR (4377).
Be consistant with the calls, how many times do you see a running back come through the line with his head down hitting whatever is in front of him? How many of them have been fined? Hit would have been legal if mccoy didnt drop his head at the last minute this is the most BS call ive seen. he got his 15 yard penalty that should have been the extent of it.
do you realize mccoy got a concussion?, do you know anything about head injuries?, Harrison can badly hurt someone one day and end their career
Interesting that a baltimore homer or so-called writer would complain about dirty…Suggs… Lewis’ hit in the recent game on Hines… It’s football!