The NFL has to be as giddy as a school girl with their AFC Divisional matchups. The Ravens face their arch-rival the Steelers and Jets face theirs, the Patriots.
John Clayton of gave his early preview of the matchups and for the Ravens and Steelers, he thinks this third meeting is personal.
Get ready for old-school, hard-hitting football. Also expect a low-scoring game. Since 2007, the Ravens and Steelers have met eight times in the regular season with the scores averaging out to 18-17 in favor of the Steelers. The most points scored by one team in any one game was 27, accomplished by the Ravens — a 27-21 victory in 2007. This game is personal, though. “I’ve lost to Ben Roethlisberger seven times,” Suggs said. “He’s definitely my biggest problem I’m facing.” The key to these games is turnovers. Both defenses are designed to force turnovers. With another low-scoring game expected, the defense that wreaks the most havoc will likely push its team over the top.
Is there any better style of football than that described by Clayton?
While he didn’t give predictions, Clayton did give a nod to the veterans in the matchups, Ben Roethlisberger and Tom Brady. He even threw Joe Flacco in the “elite” category when previewing the games.
Of the AFC final four quarterbacks, Mark Sanchez is the only one who isn’t elite, but he’s 3-1 in playoff games.
If the Ravens defense shows up in Pittsburgh as it did in Kansas City, I think we all know the outcome for the terrible towel waving faithful.
ravens will always be our bitches!!!! GO STEELERS!!!
Dom From Canada needed to come to a baltimore sports website to make this comment?!?
Dom, do steelers fans in canada eat poutine on their sandwiches?
Dear Dom,
Lick my sack.
Dom – You're obviously a guy of high intellect. How long did it take you to come up with this retort? I must say, it is well thought out and articulated. Thanks for your contribution!
Walt, Walt, Walt…I guess grammar was never your strong point. If you are going to dog someone and call them a moron, you should double, maybe even triple check, to ensure that you at least use the proper grammar. Otherwise, it is you who looks like the moron.
Note to Dom from Canada…and everyone else on this web site. I enjoy the pleasant, if biased discourse; please try to be civil. And no, MGW and others, I do not know Dom.
CSF – You're our favorite Steeler fan! You dish it out, but it's never in poor taste. As I said yesterday, looking forward to the banter this week!
I echo what MGW said.
Walt Solek – You sound like your from Portage or Colver Pa. You got the 1 tooth and rattail going? Is the coal mine closed today which is why your off and can write on here? Are "youns" goina be on here all week? Are you going out to "spot" deer tonight?
Inquiring minds want to know…
The Steelers win. Nobody will be able to cover Wallace and you all know what Troy's capable of. Go Black & Gold!
Did this game not happen?…
What's it like being an O's/Steelers fan?
It's the tale of two halves of the year. People love me for half the year, then hate me the other half.
But seriously. Did that game not happen?
Get it ALL out your system Squealer fan, get out your terrible towels, Rapistberger jerseys, dress your kids up like Steeler cheerleaders because in five days when you lose we won't hear from ANY of you. Steeler fan are the most fickle fans I know, rah rah before the game but when they lose they are like a bunch of cry babies after a wake. Head down, alibing, never making eye contact- man up and when the BEST team wins congratulate the victor.
Fickle? Hardly…been cheering for the Steelers since you were in diapers. Oh wait, that was you in the line with the Pampers.
You and Dom ought to crawl under a rock together and amuse yourselves with your mindless ranting. And while you are at it, take Harbaugh with you. "I'm glad we broke Ben's nose." (latest internet story). That's despicable. This is a game and a livelihood for these guys on BOTH teams. He ought to be censured for that comment.
CSF, while I don't think it was a comment Harbs should have made in public, this is football and his normal PC comments makes me cringe. I'll give him a pass because at least he's trying not to give him normal vanila comment which goes in one ear and out the other. I think both teams are preparing for war and there will be a lot of bodies left on the field. This should be a fun game to watch.
BTW, Will-o has moved up from Pampers to Depends. This game is personal, it is currently the best rivalry in football, followed closely by NE and NYJ. I would be very surprised if this game is decided by more than 3 pts. These two teams have played each other closely for some time and normally is an entertaining game. The four teams remaining in the AFC playoffs are the best the conference has to offer, both games should be fun to watch!
Steeler Fans! Get ready to get your quaterback knocked out, your raggedy ann safety to get burned and get ready to go cry in your sissy yellow hankeys! I am so sick of you thinking you are so great, when what you are is lucky! Well this week your luck runs out! I'd love to catch one of you pu$$y steeler fans in a dark alley, I would break your nose way worse than Haloti broke little Ben's! You all think you are so bad, but I could kick 10 steeler fans asses at once! I can't wait to see the look on your faces when we get that last interception and seal the game! Especially you canadian sissies! Go watch some hockey, this war doesn't concern you! Get an NFL team win Championships, then have your team stolen by a drunken piece of $heet! Then Get another team and win another Superbowl with them too! In you own hometown, then get on here and say something!
Wow, and you folks have guns too.
It's football, Gianni, relax.
That's what you don't understand! It's war, no guns just concussion causing nose bleeding hits!
Think you kind of missed the point, Gianni but I'm not surprised.
I do believe that a discussion can take place based on facts, stats and logical opinion without spewing the anger and 4 letter words.
But that's only my humble, "Canadian sissy" take on things.
That's okay! I guess you think you are intelligent or something, but you have no part in this! You are on the outside looking in! If you had goofs from Canada on your hometown web page telling you about how good your blood enemies are you might tell them off too? Stats are for losers like TO and Ocho, so they can feel good about themselves as they watch the playoffs! All you steelers fans have a sense of entitlement, you think you deserve the championship just because you are the steelers! You are exactly like cowboy fans and patriot fans! You have no point to make!