Former Ravens cornerback Josh Wilson told the Washington Post that the Ravens “have nowhere near the tradition of Redskins fans.” Wilson played for Baltimore last season and is beginning his first season back in his hometown of Washington, D.C.
“…My uncle is 50-so years old and all they know are Redskins and you’d almost think somebody’s died when the Redskins have lost,” Wilson added. “And now I’m getting all these phone calls asking, ‘What do you think about this?’ and they think I’m going to give them all the insight, and I’m like, ‘Get out of here!’”
Somebody died? Seriously? Redskins fans aren’t used losing yet? I mean c’mon they won six games last year and have two winning seasons in the past 11 years. To be fair, Wilson is right about the tradition and passion of Redskins fans. What other fan base prides itself on their cross dressing men dressed as pigs?
Wilson did say that the Ravens are establishing what “the Redskins already have.” We can only hope he’s wrong about that. I’m fine with Ravens fans being nothing like Redskins fans.
whaz up my ritter britches? chow rockin the ruv from my bsr buds. redskin fan have ronger tradition then raven but redskin fan no match for bartimore colt fans. bartimore colt fans rock that why they call memoriar stadium biggest outdoor nutty asyrum.
how many chow peeps want rock with chow at a raven game this year. mister mg mister raven mister sadrer mister anvir Mister zach mister mgw. you guy rock chow?
not spry the goof he wear rady crothing on street where men pick spry up. spry manwhore. come get some spry. chow get you hotter than a junkie spoon. put that in you mayonaise spry and put it on tree.
You need to start practicing hari-kari,,,,,,,,,,,I don’t think you quite made it work the last time , you only managed to kill part of you brain,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
p.s. If you want to stay in this country please take some English classes on line……….
You turned on me pretty quick , I should have expected it………..
Mr. Spy not going to like this , he is already pi$$ed at you for being a turn coat,though I don’t expect you even know what that is.
Mr.Spy tells it like it is , but he is loyal , you could learn from him.
If my brother, father, or son walked out of the door sporting a dress every other Sunday, I start to wonder if it were for the love of football or the love of wearing ladies’ clothes. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
Josh Wilson is right were he needs to be and that is in D.C. and not in purple and black because all he knows is sub 500 football at Maryland as a terp, and in seattle as a seahawk and the one chance he had on a winning team he got burnt like toast by roddy white in the closing seconds of a game the ravens were winning anyways thats beside the point the point is thank you josh wilson for choosing the woeful burgundy and gold with John Beck as your qb, the ravens traded beck to d.c. for doug dutch? yeah Doug Dutch that shows his real talent and the ravens saw josh get burnt so bad they drafted a big strong rookie corner that wont get pushed around like a teenager with headgear!!!
Wilson is gone and should be forgotten,,,,,,,,I liked him while he was here , now he is the enemy,,,,,,,,,,
One word COLTS, enough said. The Ravens wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for tax dollars bringing them here and building their stadium. Baltimore fans are fair weather, look at the O’s and their beautiful empty stadium.
Enough said. No ray and no Reed = no wins and then to Fans.
mister jim from dumdark prease no say turncoat. chow have bad situation with guy in turncoat. chow at Anaporis Marr at food court eating kung pao months ago and wierdo come to chow and open he turncoat and frashed chow. man in turncoat so ‘you rike chinaboy’. man in turncoat run way before everyone catch him. chow no eat kung pao anymore cause man in turncoat.
spry the crown you rike chow engrish improvment? chow be study engrish for rong time so chow fit in. chow no rike other people who come from other country and no speak engrish and want you speak spanish. just rike bank. atm say engrish or spanish but no chinese. you come America you speak engrish. i guest in you country so chow have learn you language no other way round.
if mister spry aporogize to chow for his bad things he say to chow weeks a go then chow team back with mister spry. ok mister spry.
You made some pretty poor comments about me also,,,,,looks like we are even………………