You thought Brian Matusz’s start on Saturday against the Phillies was impressive? You ain’t seen nothing yet.
The Orioles lefty took the hill against the Detroit Tigers in Lakeland on Thursday and continued right where he left off against Philadelphia.
Adam Berry of reports that Matusz threw 60 pitches to the 15 batters he faced and 41 of those pitches were strikes. Matusz struck out Tigers’ star Prince Fielder and consistently hit 92-93 MPH on the radar gun.
Over his last two outings, Matusz has gone 8 innings, surrendering five hits, no runs, no walks and 10 strikeouts.
“It’s early, but I just like seeing the ball coming out of his hand good, commanding all his pitches regardless of where and who he’s facing,” Buck Showalter said according to Berry.
BSR’s Fantasy God, Mark Brown, told us on the BSR Podcast that Matusz is a guy to watch this upcoming Fantasy Baseball season. Mark expects Matusz to pick up the pieces after 2011 and live up to his full potential this year.
It’s the only hope we as Oriole fans have. Some of these young pitchers have to come around. Not ALL of them, but if 2-3 of them come around, then you can start to build something.
Watched Arietta the other day, up close and personal in Sarasota. He had good pop on his fastball, but has to learn how to pitch. While he brought it up there at 97 at one point, you gotta be able to mix your pitches. After a tidy first inning in which he blew some heat by some guys, the 2nd and 3rd innings the Pirates caught up to him.
As many others have observed, you got to wonder if player development is not biggest issue.
At least you found some hope with this team ,,,,,,,,I can’t get excited about them at all,,,,,,,,the most accurate thing Zach said was ‘it’s early’………..
I do wonder what exactly is Matusz’s “full potential this year”…Would we all be thrilled with a final line of: 12 – 9, 181 IP, 4.32 ERA, 147 K’s 63 Walks, in 28 Starts?
I think “thrilled” might be a bit strong for that output, but would certainly be a step in the right direction.
Then again, if ANY Oriole’s Starting Pitcher wins 12 games this season with this team, I’d be amazed.
From the way he’s throwing, it appears Matusz hit the offseason baseball workouts hard. Hopefully he can have a much needed break out season for the birds.
Ol’ Bruz, what you may find interesting is that the AL East Champ New York Yankees only had two starting pitchers win more than 12 games in 2011.
Interesting, if not weird stat…The thing is, the Yanks had two pitchers with 16 or more W’s last year…Last time an Oriole won 16 or more in a season was Traitor Mussina way back in 1999…Yikes!
Young Mr Wilt,
Spent some time down at Ed Smith Stadium this week. Saw a couple of guys with BSP t-shirts on. They were some good baseball guys. What does a frequent contributor with a 9inchnail have to do to get one in XXL?
9inchnail – Just use that Mission Possible shirt you have that is now irrelevant and take a marker and write BSR on it… Hell, even put your name on the back of it, R-A-D-I-O…
We have no markers where I work, maybe I see to see our logistics section.
Zach, Mark Brown has been riding Matusz’ coattails for 2 years. I’ve been arguing with him about Matusz for the last year. Matusz has done nothing but sink lower and lower each year and this guy was supposed to be the Ace of the staff.
I can see Matusz going 6-13 and Mark will say he’s making progress… Progress how? From not being demoted like he was last year?
Orioles have high expectations for their players, hell, it’s a wonder the Orioles haven’t said that Andino looks to be a budding future All-Star.
It’s spring training, don’t be getting your Oriole hopes up on players just yet…
But I will say one thing, put Matusz out there in the 7-man rotation the Orioles will be using this year. Give him 7-14 starts and see what he does… Seriously… You need to know if he has improved…
MGW hit what I’ve been saying for years.
Player development is just awful.
If they screw up Bundy…………..ugh.
Do you have a bone up your rear for MGW??
Why don’t you read the Natty Boh Can thread genius. MGW and I disagree more often than agree.
And while you’re at it, do a bit of research on your facts before you post things.
Or just stop posting and save us all some time.
Let’s get things straight. I am not a genius, ok. My IQ is around 69 not 150. So, I have been right about you all along. You got served…