We’re not breaking this news story, but we’re doing what BSR does best. Setting the record straight.
We first saw this little tid bit make headlines over at DeadSpin.com. So, to give you a brief summary, Nestor of WNST was a approached by a longtime enemy of his and fellow radio personality from Dallas, Gordon Keith. Keith apparently wanted to “bury the hatchet” according to The Dallas Sports Fan. Aparicio accused Keith of having a hidden microphone to which he replied, “I swear to the good Lord I do not have a microphone.” Nestor then called Keith a “(Explitive)-ing Jew,” and apparently strangled him.
Here’s my problem with this. Do you have any idea how many sports fans would love to own a radio station and get to chill in Tampa all week before the Super Bowl? Every single one of them. Nestor is on radio row wearing all kinds of Ravens apparel representing the city of Baltimore and is shouting antisemitic remarks and strangling people he has problems with, this is embarrassing to our city.
Having seen Aparacio around Baltimore before Ravens’ or O’s game, I’m sure you know that his spiked hair put him at about 5′ 4″ tops. So what is he doing trying to throw down with the Geico caveman?
He might’ve been egged on by Keith, but it doesn’t matter act like a professional.
Here is Keith’s video of the entire event.
Just to clarify. Nestor did not accuse Keith of having a hidden microphone or call him a F’n Jew during this incident. That happened last year in a conrontation he had with Corby Davidson, who also works for 1310 The Ticket.
I think you did a great job writing Aparicio embarrasses Baltimore on radio row | Baltimore Sports Report. Bravo.
I am not sure I totally agree with Aparicio embarrasses Baltimore on radio row | Baltimore Sports Report
Was Keith acting professional? If you listen to all 50 minutes before Keith went over to Nasty Nestor, (within ear shot) he taunted him like a 2 year old over the air. Keith did not want to make peace he wanted to make trouble; he also got some much-needed publicity. After dissin on his family, his appearance and his interviews, Keith went over to him while Nestor was doing an interview and shoved a microphone in his face and said, “I’m just trying to make peace”. Give me a break if he was trying to make peace he should have had the decency to squash it in private, but he had nothing to talk about so he talked about Nestor for an hour, then went over there!
There is obviously a lot to know about geico video. I think you made some good points in Aparicio embarrasses Baltimore on radio row | Baltimore Sports Report
What is “geico video”?
Nestor is an embarrassment to the city, period! How about his comments toward the homeless? Nice Nestor! Apparently he and his wife enjoy call the homeless various names.
Go read the article that he wrote about the homeless in Baltimore, have you ever been there?? EVERY street corner has a “Homeless” person on it asking for money! (This is something you would NEVER understand unless you lived here) First of all I am a small female and do not like it when I am stuck at a light and people come right up to my window, it’s scary. Second of all they have signs that say “will work for food” I have offered to buy these people lunch, dinner, any kind of food they don’t want that, they want money. It’s the same people on EVERY corner, not just the city but the county also. If you stick around long enough you can watch them get into their car and go home for the day in their new shoes. I’m not saying there are not legitimate homeless people and I do feel for them, but to blame Nasty Nestor for saying that about the homeless is ridiculous. Go to Yahoo or Google and type homeless in Baltimore articles, he’s not the first! In reference to him calling someone a “Jew”, I am Polish I am called a Pollock everyday, should I be mad at everyone who does it? If you don’t like him, cool but to shit on him for every little thing you can find is DUMB!
Get a Life
Love your post!! Finally someone got it right!!! Would you mind if I put a blogroll link back to your post? 🙂
I am not sure I totally agree with Aparicio embarrasses Baltimore on radio row | Baltimore Sports Report