If the Orioles keep winning games at the pace they are on now, I’ll wear my O’s hat Strop Style every day for the rest of my life.

In case you were wondering, the Orioles would finish in the ballpark of 108 wins at their current pace.  That would be quite the turn around from 2011.

As the O’s continue to dominate the AL East — yes dominate, they just won three straight series against the Yankees and Red Sox on the road and the Rays at home — many are wondering when reality is going to set in and Baltimore will slide back down to the bottom of the standings.

Stud reliever Pedro Strop doesn’t think it’s going to happen.

“A lot of people are surprised, but we’re not,” Strop told Roch Kubatko.  “We are going to keep winning games.

I really hope he’s right.

I’m ready to order my hat one size to big.