They couldn’t win the Super Bowl this year, but by golly the city of Pittsburgh is getting ready to celebrate Hines Ward’s Dancing With the Stars title. Yeah… you read that right. Pittsburgh will honor Ward and his dance partner, Kym Johnson, in a rally that will be held in front of the City-County Building.
Like any Pittsbugh rally, fans will be waving yellow towels for no apparent reason.
Fans are encouraged to wear black and gold and bring Terrible Towels to the rally.
“City residents and the Steelers Nation have contacted my office asking for the city to properly thank our hometown hero for once-again shining the spotlight on Pittsburgh,” Mayor Luke Ravenstahl said.
By gold they mean yellow.
In the coming weeks, Pittsburgh will be celebrating Sidney Crosby’s injury recovery with a parade and statue unveiling.
I’m sure this will double as a ‘guy pride ‘ parade with all the dancers there………..costumes will be optional……..Ward does move like he is happy……….
Hey, don’t be mad because the Ravens or Caps can beat a pittsburgh team. Don’t worry, we will just keep adding championships while you sit in Baltimore crying about everything.
It’s true we didn’t win the Superbowl this year, but we actually know what it feels like to win them.. actually, no, to play in one. We celebrate when the athletes in our city do well. That’s hard to do in Baltimore when yours are too busy trying to keep out of prison.
@Jay –
Man, you confused me. When you say “we” did this and “we” did that, I had no idea what you’re talking about. This must be Jason “Jay” Worilds writing. That’s the only way you can say “we” won anything. Unless you are Mr. Worilds, your “favorite team” may have gone to the Super Bowl, but “we” didn’t do anything.
@Bill –
Bill, you’re wrong about your statement…”Hey, don’t be mad because the Ravens or Caps CAN beat a pittsburgh team”. While the Caps dominated the Penguins this year, the Ravens struggled with the Steelers. Don’t be too hard on your teams!
@Carl, is that really the best response you could come up with? Wow..
Don’t know how I’m goina write this as I was so hungover this morning that I still had the bar attached to my forehead, but here goes…
@JAY – Look Amigo, don’t be trippin’ on Carl… Just beacuse your Latin lover was drippin’ sweat all over you and the Finnish dwarves were dancing around you making you feel like a Tijuana whore shouldn’t make Carl the fall guy…
Goina cut to the chase @JAY, I can tell the years have not been kind to you… And you can guarantee if I have to come back on here that I won’t be either…
I no rike you jay. you seem rike reel a-hole. You from Pittsville which mean ro rife retraed. Mister Carr good guy and man of sence. Mister Carr, Mister SPY, Mister pole, Mister Mg, Mister raven, onry speek truth. Dont mess with us Steerer prunk we wipe froor with Mister Brill and jay. friken rooser.
Mister Intimidator why you have bar on forhead? you drink and no remember? uh roh you get sick. Mabee take bar an hit prunk jay rongside head nok sence in him. Mister brill and jay yell at Mister Carr but Mister carr put pricks in prace. they no write back caus they sissys
way to go Hines you did us proud with your dancing & charm always a smile on your face. Keep it up!
Sunny : )
hines you always make this city swell with pride… thanks to you and kym, we have something else to yell and scream about…. way to go baby!!!! now bring us our sevennth superbowl…. steeler nation loves hines ward…..
Hey, Whiners.
Who has six Super Bowls? Steeler Nation
Which team has an MVP in the Super Bowl and Dancing With The Stars? Steelers
Which team has only one Super Bowl?
Which city is still smarting from the fact that the Steelers are still superior to a bunch of dirty birds?
Oh, and which city is still jealous that none of those dirty birds have yet to even participate in trying to be a better dancer than Mr. Hines Ward?
Nuff said.
@Jay –
Jay, I’m not contesting anything the Steelers have done, just the fact that YOU had anything to do with it.
SUNNY JAMES YOU SPEND to much time in Pittsville cole mine. rike you name say you need sun ssunny. You white rike milk and i no mean chocorate milk. why you steerer fans come here to run mouth? Mister Spy, Mister Raven, Mister Pole, Mister MG, Mister Carr will ripe froor up with you phonie baronies. Mister Carr, jay is rooser and has sissie boy comebak. jay rather bust juice on face then mess with Mister Carr. Jay frickin rooser who smerl rike raw sewrage.
@C. Shumyungi –
Dude, learn to spell and speak properly. Are you still in Kindergarten? I didn’t realize Dirty Bird fans like you could not graduate from Kindergarten. Have you even kissed a girl?
JIMbro, i kriss you mom when she come out bar at 2 in morning ask for smokes from bums. raff at that jimbro jackass. i can sprell that jimbro the homo. you go up wrong guy jimbro i ripe froor with you. You mess with me but you no mess with mister Carr, mister SPRY Mister raven, mister Pole or Mister MG cause they run trane on you wife
@JIMBO – “Dirty Birds”? Really? You trying to rock a bust by using “Dirty Bird”? Just like a typical Steeler fan, coming without ammunition to a battle of wits. Your goina lose Dingo so do yourself a favor, crawl away, because fate has me highly skilled and loaded with talent…
And @JIMBO, trying to one up me is not like doing the Macarena… It takes patience… It’s like those fine, well-aged, toothless prostitutes you visit, it takes years to learn their tricks…
@SHUMYUNGI – You get em Rakishi… Your irritating the little Pittsburgh clowns so don’t stop. @JIMBO, @JAY, @SUNNY and @MARGIE are fuming that you jackboned them on here. So keep it up, you got the “Boys in the Band” backing you up…
I said my piece early own but I simply have to come back for another spiel,,,,,,,,,I stick to my original thoughts and a few of the squeeler comments prove it ,
@ Sunny James and margie oneal,,,,, your thoughts prove girls love the gay guys more than the real men , you sure are in love with ‘happy hines’………
@Jay and Jimbo and MGW,,,,I feel sorry for you guys ,it sounds as if you love ‘happy hines, a little too much , makes me really wonder about the men in Pittsburgh……….
@ SHUMYUNGI,,,,,,good going my friend , these pretenders from the Hitherlands do not know how to handle a good verbal tumble , guess it’s true about the backwoods education…………
Happy Fourth of July to all…………
now what sissy pittsville prunks? Mister Spy and Mister Intimidator bitchsrap you and you no come back. i no who have my brack who have you pittsville man ruvers? ugry women and happy men from pittsville ruve hinz Ward.
@C. Shumyungi –
See, this is what happens when a lack of proper education makes so sound more like a moron. Go back to kindergarten and see if you can graduate from there.
@The Intimidator –
Nice moustache. I take it you’ve regained your virginity. If that picture of yours is to make you look as tough as the shit you write, then you are as dume as you look or is that beefy look supposed to compensate for your “shortcomings”.
We got 6 championships and you only have one. Get over it punk.
@Jimbo –
As dumb as you look was it meant to say from me.
@Sunny James –
Those Dirty Bird fans are just jealous that we have more class than the Murder Capital in America.
They can’t even write without gettin drunk and high. but, that’s their perogative.
@JIMBO – Come on Man-dingo, you tried to make a joke about me being a virgin? That’s it? You woke up at 10am, let your boyfriend dangle his dice on your forehead, ate breakfast, watched some “Jerry Springer” then said, “Hey, I’ll question “The Intimidator’s” virginity!”. Well, you got me @JIMBO. I went ape-shit after reading that…
Before you try to slam my boy “Shumyungi” about his schooling you better take off your helmet, stop licking the windows and go back and read some of your last messages because it looks like “Kickball” is still your joy at recess…
Look Man-dingo, you can’t rock with the B-More boys on here… Being hopped up on Mountain Dew and slamming the “Crystal Meth” is not the way to go around in life so go live your dream… Move to India or Pakistan and become a cab driver.
You want a go at this clown Spy? Carl? MGW?
Oh, wow.
You sure are tough. As tough as a douchbag. Must be all that crack and PCP that you’ve been taking to make you the illiterate drug-addled mama’s boy you are. No Crystal meth for me, though by the way you write, it seems like your main supplier is Walter White.
Bottom line: Your Ravens team still sucks and was only lucky to have one championship. WE HAVE SIX. Until you have seven, accept the truth, Ruth and suck it up.
rell rell rell BIMBRO. told you who had my back. i no see who have you back. we BALTImore boys have each other back but you Hinz ruvers onry have each other back end. raff at that rittle jimbro. MISTER Carr, Mister SPY, Mister intimidator, mister raven, Mister MG we all ripe froor with you but no of you so called steerer ruvers help you out. meth head rooser!
@Jimbo –
Jimbo, that says it all…JIMBO. You obviously moved up to a double wide near the confluence. You and your toothless brother Jedidiah keep on drinkin’ up those IC Lights and sayin” Y’ins, while eating grease infested sandwiches with fries on them. This just in, the steel mills aren’t opening back up, pal. Better get “y’er job back at Walmarts” and see if you can get that ’74 Vega running again. As for trying to threaten The Intimidator, I think I’d look elsewhere, but that’s your call.
What surprises me the most is that there are so many Stiller fans who can actually read. Still believe they are using a Speak and Spell to get their message out.
@Carl –
I don’t even have an avatar up and you assume that I am a redneck
Appalachian with no-neck and a gut bigger than a tow truck. Or is that you?
As I advised the Intimidator or whatever fake name he goes by. Our team has 6 Superbowls and you guys only have one. Just suck it up and get over it.
Oh, and Carl, if you checked my notes to the Timidator, I did not threaten him so reading or seeing the truth must not be yur stronger strengths.
Have a nice day.