Several 2011 mock MLB drafts have the Orioles linked to right handed pitcher Dylan Bundy, a high schooler from Owasso High in Oklahoma. The young righty will certainly be drafted as a pitcher, but has seen great success in the field as well. He’s also a third baseman who’s hit 400 foot bombs from the left side of the plate his level.’s Anub Sinha watched Bundy at the 2011 Terry Donley Blue Devil Classic in March and was impressed with his skills.
At 6’0”, 200 lbs, Bundy looks much more like a position player than a pitcher. He’s powerfully built, especially in his lower half, with sloped shoulders and good strength in his hands and forearms. His swing is a tad shorter and faster from the left side and he shows very good balance with his lower half. From both sides, Bundy’s bat-speed is close to big league average already and he has the extension to hit them over the fence to all fields.
We’ve also seen the O’s tied to right handed pitcher Sonny Gray. Bundy could be gone before the Orioles pick at fourth as some are predicting Pittsburgh will select him first.
At some point, the Orioles have to consider position players, too. I know they got Machado last year, but they need to start stockpiling a few position players.
Just what the Orioles need, another High School draft pick… Not to say anything about that great Oriole Farm system that is stinking up the joint with future Major Leaguers…
What other team can bring up a 2nd sacker, when their starter goes down with injury, whom no one has ever heard of? Ryan Adams…
How bout the Orioles select someone that will help them 3 years from now and not 6 years?
That Hobgood pick in “09” is looking like another in a long list of players the O’s drafted only to become busts. Hobgood was 3-7 at Delmarva last year… At minimum, Hobgood will be in B-More by 2014, if he pans out and it doesn’t look good…
O’s select Hobgood when another highly touted pitcher was there for the grabbing, Drew Storen who is already in the Majors and has a 3-1 reocrd with a 1.48 ERA this year… Reason the Orioles passed is because word was that Storen wanted big money and yes he did want big money.
Oriole fans gripe that FA’s don’t want to take the O’s money because they don’t want to play for a bad team. So what should the O’s do? Get better by drafting guys like Storen and paying the bucks for him.
Do you know that the last 9 players the Orioles drafted in the 1st round that…
1. 3 Players were drafted out of High Scool (Hobgood, Machado and Brandon Snyder*)
2. 1 Player from Prep School (Billy Rowell)
3. 1 Player drafted #8 in the 1st round but the Orioles failed to sign him (Wade Townsend)
*Snyder was a catcher in High School and was drafted as such. The Orioles switched him to 1st base. Why draft Snyder to switch his position when you could have drafted Jed Lowrie, Clay Buchholz, Jacoby Ellsbury, Matt Garza or Colby Rasmus? Because the O’s wanted to draft a cheap High School player…
All because they are a cheap organization… 5 out of the last 9 1st round picks were drafted on the cheap…
Now they are looking to draft another High School player!
You know nothing if you are calling Bundy “another High School player”. I could tell you knew nothing also by calling the Orioles cheap when it comes to the draft. Please, go do some research before spouting off, it would be a shame if someone read what you said and believed it.
So AssClown (ROB M), instead of not saying anything like you did, then give some facts to counter what I said!
Your a freaking moron assclown…
Lets do this, answer these 2 questions…
1. Is Al Bundy going to be drafted out of High School?
2. Where have the Orioles spent big bucks in the draft? Wade Townsend?
Put down the XBOX and give some facts. If not, then STFU…
I ain’t got time for every little AssFart that wants to challenge me when they have nothing…
Ill take some time to educate you.
1. Yes, but he is unlike any other HS pitcher. He is more like a college pitcher in that he could be ready for the majors in 2 years.
2. Just this last draft we spent on Machado, I mean, it wasn’t all that long ago. Also, in recent years the Orioles have been in the top tier of spending.
I was giving you a chance to recant your lies by allowing you to do some research. 2 minutes with would have lead you to
You don’t have time for “assfarts” like me, maybe you should free up some time to check your facts.
Sure the Orioles have made a few mistakes in the draft, every single team has. BTW Snyder switched positions because of a shoulder injury. I am not really replying to you anyway. I am replying so people don’t read your garbage and take it for fact.
So ROBBIE M. you’re goina educate me? Save your breath Dingo, you’ll need it to blow up your date… And that name… You looking to get a gig on “Jersey Shore”?
Your now playing “Mel Kiper” in regards to baseball? You are all giddy that he’s supposed to be unlike any other High School Pitcher… Why? Because he can strike out 15/17 year old Bobby Forsyth who really can’t wait to get the game over with anyway so he can go home and play Pokemon? Impressive!
And now you say he could be ready for the Majors in 2 years? Why do you sound like your medicated?
Here’s one for ya… Who was this said about? “He could be in the Majors in 3 years”… This was said of 2006 Orioles #1 pick, the great Billy Rowell! Now, I’m not good at math, in fact I failed school… You know why? Because there is nothing you could teach me at 8:00 in the morning that I can learn with two bloodshot eyes and a hangover, but I do know that its been 5 years so far and Billy Rowell hasn’t crack the Majors nor does it look like he will be anytime soon…
This was also said recently… “This is the problem with the O’s organization. Scouts have NOT done their job. Remember Adam Loewen? High Draft Picks with nothing in return”
Now I will give you some credit because thats the type of guy I am and you were correct on the Orioles being a Top Tier team in regards to draft pick spending… So yes, I was wro… roooo… wr…. wrong… Tell me again, how is all that spending working out so far?
But see you are trying to circumvent the Snyder comment I made. If you read analysis on Snyder the Orioles drafted him with the intention of moving him to 3rd base…
I love your last comment of you saying your not really replying to me anyway after you directed everything at me…
You know what? I really regret turning on this computer and schooling you like a drunken hobbit…
So what are you saying, because one HS prospect(Rowell) didn’t work out we shouldn’t draft anymore HS kids? When scouting HS you don’t really worry about who he is and who he isn’t striking out, you scout the stuff.
A kid that throws 98,99, and 100MPH with 2 other plus/plus pitches should be able to make his way up to the majors in short order. Though I guess I should say there is always a chance he doesn’t make it since you seem to think the draft is a sure fire thing.
There are always things to worry about when it comes to drafting HS or college pitchers. Some college programs overwork their guys while HS kids are just that, kids.
I really don’t understand the point you are trying to make. Are you just harping on the Orioles Scouting dept as a whole or are you upset our last few drafts haven’t panned out as well as you would like? With out number 1 pick, who do you think the Orioles should draft?