The Ravens backup quarterback position has been a question mark for months, but not for the reason you might have thought. Last year’s backup QB, Marc Bulger, was expected to test the free agent market and leave for starting gig. So far, that hasn’t happened.
Rumor has it, at least according to Tony Lombardi of, that Bulger retired back in March.
Hearing that Marc Bulger retired back in March…who should be the Ravens backup QB?
If that is the case, the news of Bulger’s retirement hasn’t surfaced. Reports earlier in the year indicated that he could receive starting jobs in Arizona or Carolina. So what happened?
Well, we don’t really know any more than you do, but we promise to keep you posted on this strange story.
Word has it , he is talking restructure with Ozzie , but it can’t happen until Halotti is signed………. he is holding up about seven million in cap space as a franchise guy…….thing is, Halotti wants more than ozzie thought he wanted , he might stay franchised all year and it would hurt ozzie big time for a back up running back and veteran wide out and right tackle , in the meantime Heap is in Arizona,,,,,,,,ozzie is asleep at the wheel…………