There aren’t many days that go by that Terrell Suggs doesn’t take a jab at someone.  On Wednesday, it was his former teammate Le’Ron McClain who left as a free agent to play for the Kansas City Chiefs this season.  That’s not working out so well.

This week, the Ravens not only square off against their former teammate Derrick Mason for the second straight game, but their new fullback, Vonta Leach, faces his old team the Houston Texans.  Leach has been vocal about how much he has enjoyed his role in Baltimore and Suggs didn’t shy away from giving him some love.

“He’s fit into our locker room which has a lot of characters.  He’s a fullback who doesn’t think he’s a tailback,” Suggs said according to Aaron Wilson of the Carroll County Times.  Suggs of course if referring to McClain, who became vocal about wanting more carries with the Ravens in his later years.  #McClain4RB was the twitter hashtag and became a fun site to promote Le’Ron’s endless endeavor.

McClain responded on twitter that he and Suggs “are boys.”  He says he’s focused on the future and it appears that Sizzle’s latest round of smack talk may have been lighter than we all hoped.

Carry on.