It seems that all Ravens news this week is coming from one man, linebacker Terrell Suggs. He’s always the center of attention during Steelers Week and for good reason, he’s one of the guys in purple that dominate the guys in black.
Suggs has often spoken of his love for this rivalry and his strong respect for the team he hates so much. It’s because of that respect that T-Sizzle looked into the cameras on Wednesday and asked Steelers wide receiver Hines Ward to suit up and play.
“I need you to play,” Suggs said. “Please put on that 86, that smile and all the things you do.” By “things,” Suggs means “cheap shots.”
“We need all that for this game.”
You’ve got to admire Suggs’ desire to beat the Steelers at their best. That’s what truly makes this rivalry so great.
Am I remebering correctly, was there not a game back in time where Hines Ward just devistatingly crushed Suggs with a downfield block and knock him out??!! Or was that just Ed Reed or maybe both?? Anyway, we would be much better off if Suggs did not fan the flames of rivalry between these teams. Makes for good stories but negatively impacts our chances of winning!!
Oh , you r recalling one of the many illegal hits this lump of crap puts on people every week. He has a total disregard for other players. Was probally helmet to helmet. You know one of those hits that can kill another player or injure him for the rest of his life. What a guy!!!!!!!!! My hero……….
What is said during the week between these two teams has no impact on how the game is played on Sundays. Both teams are already plenty motivated and couldn’t like each other any less.
Suggs – Don’t you mean “Thugs”- in fitting with the rest of this crap-talking team. Got lucky in game one – won’t happen twice!!
Suggs is just a little girl. Ward give good legal hits,. quit your crying you puss. If you can’t take it , maybe you should play girls field hockey. IT’S FOOTBALL, A MAN’S GAME. IT’S SUPPOSED TO BE TOUGH. Quit your crying already
Back it up Suggly. This is becoming the largest lopsided “rivalry” in the league at 21-13.