With the disappointment of today, we are observing tomorrow as a day of silence, and this week will be a week a grieving. We will begin posting again on Monday.
Note- We have turned on Comment Moderation to keep the Pittsburgh fans for using this place as a place to celebrate. For Ravens fans, if your comment does not show up immediately, please be patient. It will get approved.
Hey guys don't do that. It will show us Raven fans as weak and sore losers… Seriously… Please rethink it…
Seems a little weak to me. To the victor goes the spoils.
The staff was unanimous about it. We are allowed some space to lick our wounds.
Hey guys, just wanted to send a heart felt "good game" to you guys.. I'm the guy who wrote the Steelers/Ravens preview from a Pittsburgh stand point this week on here. No need to trash talk after the fact, that was an amazing game.
If you Steeler fans want to bust and gloat you can do that to MGW and myself. You guys earned the right to do it. We can take it.
Now, MGW and myself won't just sit here and take it, we will "jack" back at ya so don't get mad…
So, take your shots… MGW and I can take it….
2488- this isn't your call. We will not tolerate Steeler fans this week.
Thanks…I am gloating (obviously) but I would have offered congrats if the result had been different.
Shots? Nah, I figure you're all suffering enough. I think you guys need the shots and I don't mean the verbal kind.
You wanted the Steelers, you got them. As Hines Ward said, "Be careful what you wish for!"