It didn’t take long for the Orioles to have their first fan run on the field at Camden Yards. During the seventh inning this guy was the first of 2011.
As a side note, I felt that the police took their grand ol’ time walking back after chasing the guy. It seemed that they weren’t in a hurry to get back and have the game start again. Maybe it was just me.
Nice exit strategy.
Great inadvertent viral marketing for GEICO!
The Police are trained not to run after and tackle these guys. They are supposed to slowly corral the person into an area and swarm him easily.
Think twice before knocking the police.
The last time the police ran to take action quickly was the time when they tazered that kid in Philly for running on the field for a Phillys game. Which is why they do it the way they do now.
Way to knock the police for doing what they are supposed to do.
I was talking about after the guy was arrested. I’m not asking the guys to run back off the field. But they were taking their sweet ol’ time to get back while 47,000 people waited for a game to begin.