By now you should know that BSR is all about giving away tickets, merchandise or memorabilia. Today, we’re kicking off our week long giveaway of the rare, misprinted and discolored Brian Roberts bobblehead.

Remember when the Orioles gave away the Roberts bobblehead, but their initial order had a misprinted version of the bobblehead? Supposedly, the discolored bobbleheads were all destroyed. But, we’ve got one in our possession and are giving it away courtesy of Play of the Day.

This contest couldn’t be any easier. We’re all about conversation here on BSR, so we’re going to give this bobblehead away to the best comment on any BSR blog post this week and you can comment as many times as you want!

Whether it’s the most hilarious, most intriguing, most engaging, most extravagant or outrageous comment, the BSR staff will vote on the best and send you the bobblehead!

So leave your comments on our posts, talk sports with us and you could win!

UPDATE: Ol’ Bruz is the big winner. Congratulations!