By now you should know that BSR is all about giving away tickets, merchandise or memorabilia. Today, we’re kicking off our week long giveaway of the rare, misprinted and discolored Brian Roberts bobblehead.
Remember when the Orioles gave away the Roberts bobblehead, but their initial order had a misprinted version of the bobblehead? Supposedly, the discolored bobbleheads were all destroyed. But, we’ve got one in our possession and are giving it away courtesy of Play of the Day.
This contest couldn’t be any easier. We’re all about conversation here on BSR, so we’re going to give this bobblehead away to the best comment on any BSR blog post this week and you can comment as many times as you want!
Whether it’s the most hilarious, most intriguing, most engaging, most extravagant or outrageous comment, the BSR staff will vote on the best and send you the bobblehead!
So leave your comments on our posts, talk sports with us and you could win!
UPDATE: Ol’ Bruz is the big winner. Congratulations!
I prefer to call it the "Sun Tanned" version of the B-Rob Bobblehead.
Sun tanned is a great way to put it.
Is he wearing a brace to immobilize his back?
Oh wait, they called it a strained abdomen.
Did anyone really buy that?
Did you happen to see BRob filling his injury time on MASN .. suite, tie and all. Guess those comfy chairs upstairs helps with a back injury.
I'd like to be in the running for the Roberts bobble head give away,
Its the next best thing, since we no longer get to see Bip Play!
Sweep of Boston had Oriole Nation feeling good for a day or two,
Alas, historically against CC, the boys in grey haven't had a clue!
LeBron is the NBA MVP, now plagued by serious elbow trouble,
I'm afraid we've seen the last hope of another playoff triple double!
Its a mere formality now, another championship for the L.A. Lakers,
While the Mavericks continued their run as title contending fakers.
Much debate on BSR followed the Ravens celebrated draft picks,
While Ol' Bruz thinks of acquiring Cincinnati Reds OF Lance Nix.
Super Saver on Saturday won the 136th Kentucky Derby Horse Race,
After this lame attempt to steal the prize, it might be hard to show my face!
Awesome looking Bobblehead would love to have it next to the corrct one.
pre or post steroid era?
Have you seen the arms on this BobbleHead?!?! Gotta be pre-roids.
Good point. But they say your head swells when you use steroids and the head on the bobblehead is pretty massive.
The blue man crew bobble would be a nice addition to anyones collectibles- especially someone who came up with a pretty darn good BSR slogan.
That's true Will-o. I think you're slogan is getting printed very shortly in fact.
SWEET!!! I am trying to recruit JBA Chevrolet to come on board.
Did you ask them about advertising?
I have BRob stashed away on my fantasy team… but he's taken up too much room on the bench for this long!
Bangor Joe,
All indications down in the Land of Pleasant Living are that BRob might be on the shelf for quite some time.
Just like the bobblehead. Hey-o!
Dare I say…collecting both will be collecting dust?
I have BRob stashed away on my fantasy team… but he's taken up too much room on the bench for this long!
…both collecting dust, that is.
I don't think we'll see Roberts on the field at all this season. By the way Joe you're entered to win!
Me either Zach.
Thank goodness the Orioles gave him that 4th year on his extension that began this season.
But King Pete loves himself some BRob so all is well at the warehouse.
Hey Randy, I mean STG that BRob bobble would sweet in the back of my new ride. BTW I invited Shannon to become a BSR fan, we;ll see. Mr. Wilson is standing by at 18-7…
Billy Tell – Where you at Kimosabe??? Your missing in action! I enjoyed your banter Billy Tell but you were like a lava lamp, fun to look at but not bright at all…. I enjoyed you as much as I enjoy the fizzure on my ass…. I'm goina start calling you piggyback because you never had anything original to write about, all you did was piggyback on someone else's comments… BTW, Your like a "One Trick Pony" (hint hint) riding through the desert on a horse with no name (hint hint).
Yes thats right, I saw you around horses, you thinking your the "Duke of Earl" wearing your fedora with the feather sticking out, your floral tube top, terry cloth shorts, leg warmers, wrist bands and a feather boa. Let me tell you something, I met the "Duke of Earl" and your no Duke… Your more like "RuPaul"… You don't fool me "RuPaul Tell".
Ravin, just like a good ball player, you wouldn"t know a horse if you saw one. I once thought you knew something about bowling but now realize that you are from Brooklyn and know only about Duck Pins. By the way, the guy you met was not the Duke of Earl, he was the Duck Pins Champ of Brooklyn. Get a life and start commenting on sports. Oh, I forgot, that is something you know nothing about.
Billy Tell – Where you at Kimosabe??? Your missing in action! I enjoyed your banter Billy Tell but you were like a lava lamp, fun to look at but not bright at all…. I enjoyed you as much as I enjoy the fizzure on my ass…. I'm goina start calling you piggyback because you never had anything original to write about, all you did was piggyback on someone else's comments… BTW, Your like a "One Trick Pony" (hint hint) riding through the desert on a horse with no name (hint hint).
Yes thats right, I saw you around horses, you thinking your the "Duke of Earl" wearing your fedora with the feather sticking out, your floral tube top, terry cloth shorts, leg warmers, wrist bands and a feather boa. Let me tell you something, I met the "Duke of Earl" and your no Duke… Your more like "RuPaul"… You don't fool me "RuPaul Tell".
Billy, Billy, Billy….Tell (Pun intended) me again what color of Cotton Candy you like, Pink or Blue?
Brooklyn is in New York, I don't live in Brooklyn, never have so your little acid tongue rats are giving you wrong info you steely eyed missle man…
And to the rest of the garbage you write I'm not even going to try to make sense out of your Napolean Dynamite thought process…
Good night Napolean…
Hey STG, send it my way. I will collect the dust. I think that all that Roberts has given the team his Bobble Head would be cool to set on the mantel. As far as before or after steroids, I believe he is one that you could count on for not messing with that sort of thing. He has shown me that he is a team player and a fine role model.
Sorry William…Roberts already fessed up. He did it "once" he said.
He only did it ONCE!
Billy, Billy, Billy….Tell (Pun intended) me again what color of Cotton Candy you like, Pink or Blue?
Brooklyn is in New York, I don't live in Brooklyn, never have so your little acid tongue rats are giving you wrong info you steely eyed missle man…
And to the rest of the garbage you write I'm not even going to try to make sense out of your Napolean Dynamite thought process…
Good night Napolean…
Looks like Brian got way too much sun this Spring Break. He probably should have taken it easy before the season started.