Roch Kubatko asked Chad Moeller what he thinks about Brian Matusz.
Steve Melewski examines some of the issues the O’s are having in spring training.
Peter Schmuck says the O’s have made their first cuts.
Brittany Ghiroli updates Brian Roberts condition.
Matusz will be the O's ace by 2011.
The issues the O's are having is injuries…is it bad luck or bad conditioning?
Peter Smuck's a jackass…I'd rather read Mad magazine than his commentary.
BRob sounds like he is down for the count. Too bad as he is the catylist for the team.
How's the BSR 2011 spring training bus trip planning coming?????
Where's my BSR tee???
Will you may be a year late on predicting when Matusz will be the O's ace.
Zach is looking into renting the Madden cruiser for ST next year. But he ran intoa snag when the rental agent backed out because he said Zach didn't look a day over 14.
Glad my youthful glow goes noticed here on BSR. Unfortunately it does restrict me from renting the BSR station wagon for Spring Training.