Last night reported that Steelers’ quarterback Ben Roethlisberger had been accused of sexual assault by Harrah’s employee Andrea McNulty. She alleged sexual assault against Roethlisberger in a lawsuit filed last week in Nevada.

PFT posted the details of the accusation this morning.

“She claims that, as she tried to leave the room, Roethlisberger blocked her path, and that he “grabbed [her] and started to kiss her.”

“She claims that she was “shocked and stunned that this previously friendly man, that appeared to be a gentleman in her previous contacts with him was suddenly preventing her from leaving, was assaulting and battering her.”

More details can be found in PFT’s report.

As of this morning ESPN is not covering the story and PFT had reported that McNulty checked herself into a Reno Hospital on September 25, 2008, after the alleged assault occurred, for major depression and anxiety.

It is unclear as to whether she checked herself in due to anxiety from the “assault” or a previous instance.

This story is a mess and honestly it’s reminding me of Kobe Bryant’s rape conviction a few years back.

Do you think Big Ben actually sexually assualty Andrea McNulty? Or is this someone that is trying to ruin Ben’s reputation?