By now I sure hope that you’ve seen the hilarious Boooog Pows and their popular song and YouTube video Boo Teixeira.

They quickly became the talk of the town and inspired many fans to let Mark have it on opening day. But who are these guys? We had a chance to ask these guys about their popular song and the O’s.

Who are the BoooogPows?

  • Gary: drums/vocals
  • Kevin: vocals
  • Chandler: guitar/bass/vocals
  • Jonze: (the honorary fourth member)  video/audio engineer and butt of all the jokes!


How did the idea of “Boo Teixeira” come about?
Gary: I had been thinking about writing an O’s song of some kind. And, after Teixeira signed with the Yankees, the majority of O’s fans all said the same thing “We are going to boo him” “Boo Teixeira”…So I just decided to turn that into a song. I see it as more of a celebration song for O’s fans, than a put-down song to the Yankees…. Sure they have Derek Jeter and the legacy of Babe, Gehrig, and all the World Series Championships…But, we have Nick Markakis, Boogs BBQ, and we are proud!!

Have you guys ever done anything like this before?

Gary: No, but hopefully it won’t be the last.

Are you season ticket holders with the O’s?

Gary: Sadly no… just like what the guy at the train station counter says to Frosty the Snowman when he is trying to buy a ticket to the North Pole…” No Money…No Ticket”!!  Jonze is the proud owner of the 6 pack of tickets though

Where can we see you booing Teixeira?

Gary: Just YouTube, and possibly from our seats on opening day… (we will be sitting near first base)

Obviously you guys know your stuff when it comes to the birds…How
do you feel about this O’s this season?

Gary: The starting pitching leaves me a bit worried, but overall I like the direction the team is headed. The signing of Roberts, and Markakis is huge, and the addition of Freel, Wiggington, Itzuris, and Zaunie is going to improve the team from last year. The bull pen is going to be one of the strong points.. Sherril, Johnson, Sarfate, and Chris Ray will keep the lead for us late in games. I am excited for the season to start

Chandler: I’m actually quite optimistic. Every year at this time I get excited because of the potential for a great year. There is definitely a lot of talent on the team and right out of the gate you have thoughts of post season play. How amazing would it be to have our boys in the playoffs this fall? Breaking the cycle of post All Star blues could happen this season.

Kevin: I bleed Black and Orange. The Orioles have been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. Each year brings with it renewed hope (although the general public may not agree).. From Brooks, Eddie, and Cal to Roberts, Markakis and Jones “Orioles Magic” will never die.

How do you feel about the future of the O’s?

Kevin: I believe that Andy McPhail is on the right track and that we have a host of great prospects on the verge of making their way on the team, such as Weiters, Arietta and Matusz just to mention a few. When they make their appearance along with the strong core of players already present things will really start to turn around for our beloved orioles. The “Magic” will again be present in Camden Yards.

Gary: I feel very strongly about the future of the O’s… we have some strong pitching coming up….and the most important two words in Baltimore; MATT WIETERS!

Chandler: Truthfully as long as Angelos owns the team I worry there’s always going to be a chink in our armor. If the team could gel with all of their talent, ‘there’s no stopping them.  Baseball has always been my first love, however in the past few years I’ve been disappointed by the steroid scandals, the money issues,  and to me what used to be America’s favorite past time has now swayed more in the direction of corporate operations. I think all it would take is one year of post season play to rekindle O’s fans, and to prove to other cities that we’re viable contenders!

Favorite Oriole?
Kevin: My favorite oriole is Cal Ripken, of course. He embodied everything that I came to love about baseball and professional sports. His work ethic and loyalty to his team spoke for itself.

Gary: Cal Ripken from the past, and Markakis, Roberts and Chris Ray from the Current line up.

Chandler: Difficult to pinpoint any one player. I’d have to say Cal Jr. is at the top, but I also thought Eddie Murray, Jim Palmer, Rick Dempsey, and Brooks Robinson were pretty awesome. I’d be chastised if I didn’t mention the great Boog Powell!!!! Raffy was also one of my favorites, but unfortunately he fell into the steriod scandal, which was a real heart breaker.

Favorite Oriole moment?

Gary: Cal’s streak, and anytime that I’m at the yard for a WIN!

Chandler: September 6th, 1995 (Cals 2131 game) I remember watching him break the streak that night. If that wasn’t amazing enough, he steps up and drills a home run. All the guy had to do was show up and watch the numbers drop on the warehouse. One of the proudest moments in history, and that wasn’t enough. When he got under that ball and hit it out of the park, I felt my heart stop. How many people ever get to see something like that? How many baseball players nowadays are that driven?

Another favorite moment (if i can add one more) is when I met Chuck Thompson. He was the nicest guy ever, and having his voice on the radio ever since i could remember, it was truly an honor to meet him. Ain’t the beer cold? You’re damn right it’s cold Chuck…………..Here’s to ya!!!!

Kevin: My favorite Oriole moment would have to be Cal breaking Gehrig’s record. It was completely timeless. Winning the ’83 series comes in as a close second.

What’s next for the BooogPows?

Gary: For me, singing lessons lol!! I’m no singer, and the weakest out of the bunch, but i wrote it, so I sung it… but seriously, we are going to write more O’s songs. But we will have to stay sharp, because the Warning Track Power are also at it. Their song “How Bout Dem O’s” is good.

Kevin: I’d like to see The Boooog Pows continue to create Oriole songs that inspire hope for the future and celebrate the past greatness of the Orange and Black……. We love the Orange Kool-Aid!

Chandler: What started out as a fun song to rally a few O’s fans became a pretty widespread video. The song ended up on so many message boards, and websites that we were all pretty blown away. Those that wrote in comments for the most part were kind with their words, and we appreciate it!  The way I see it, if we were able to elaborate this song that Gary wrote, then we’re likely gonna come up with more. All of us including Jonze are musicians, so anything is possible! Until next time, How Bout Dem O’ze Hon!!!!!!

Any closing remarks?
: For the record, my wife didn’t really say that he (Teixeira) looks like a dork…but; “He’s not good looking enough to be an Oriole” doesn’t rhyme with New York.. haha.. apparently she is picky with her Oriole players looks….