With all the Orioles Magic going on of late, it’s been easy to forget about the good football team playing just a couple hundred yards away. With Orioles dormant for so long, it’s understandable that there’d be a surge in public interest when one team is in the playoffs and the other is playing the Kansas City Chiefs in the middle of a beautiful afternoon. But just how much more are people interested in the Orioles than the Ravens right now? Take a gander at last year’s Google search results for United States users. That one little O’s spike was on Robert Andino night.

Now, let’s take a look at those same results during the same time frame this year:

Hiyo! That’s some serious pixels for the orange and black birds. Television ratings, however, still suggest that the local viewers are watching more Ravens regular season football than Oriole postseason baseball. Google data for the last time the Orioles were in the playoffs was not available because IT HADN’T BEEN INVENTED YET.