If there’s one Ravens that’s proven he’s ready to go to Pittsburgh it’s got to be Terrell Suggs who told Michael Irvan on Tuesday that “the world better look out for Baltimore.”
Dan Kolko of MASNSports.com reported that Suggs appeared on Irvan’s show in Miami and sounded ready to take on the arch- rival Steelers.
“Everybody’s got that team … that’s got to get them over the hump,” said Suggs on the Michael Irvin Show in Miami, via Sports Radio Interviews. “For Peyton (Manning), it was New England. Ours is Pittsburgh. So I have a feeling if we can get the job done this week and get over our hump, it’s going to be scary and the world better look out for Baltimore.”
When asked about his concerns for the game, Suggs didn’t hesitate to list Ben Roethlisberger and Hines Ward. “I do not like Hines Ward, but I do respect him, and he’s definitely a guy that I’d take into a brawl with me.”
Suggs will certainly be brawling against him on Saturday.
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Lovely shirt, Terrell…nice to see the two highlighted words are "Sweet Steelers"..
A Man of Convection!
I think you mean conviction, unless you're referring to heat transfer between or the general motion of molecules within fluids. You may be suggesting that Terrell Suggs moonlights as a molecular physicist, but a more likely explanation is that you're an idiot. Go Steelers.