Cam CameronThis Week On BSR is a new weekly feature in which we look back at some of the top stories and comments on over the last five days.

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JarJar on Better Ravens Head Coach: John Harbaugh or Brian Billick?

I think back to the Buffalo Bills of the early 90′s 4 Super Bowl losses. I bet they would have traded 3 season of playoff games for 1 ring. I think Harbs has been benifiting from players Brian developed, and now that they are getting old and hurt we are seeing that Harbs hasn’t been able to develop talent such as Flacco and Smith to some degree. I think we have 2 SB appearences in the past 5 years under Brian.

Ravens2488 on Better Ravens Head Coach: John Harbaugh Or Brian Billick?

Brian Billick – Super Bowl winner with Trent Dilfer, basically a bum QB.

John Harbaugh – Has not won shit with Joe Flacco, basically a QB that both Flacco and Harbaugh feels is an ELITE QB.

Brian Billick hands down over the Special Teams Organizer

Ed Sanford on Better Ravens Head Coach: John Harbaugh or Brian Billick?

Interesting question. Overall, I think that Brian Billick was the better executive coach. Billick was brought here because of his “supposed” offense architectural abilities which, in fact, never materialized. His weakness was a lack of discipline in practice. Harbaugh is more of disciplinarian with respect to practice and player commitment but appears very weak in XOs and managing his coordinators. He is also tiring with respect for his continued defensiveness regarding team weaknesses. After analyzing my own thinking, neither of them are great coaches. I am more of the Belichick blue collar style. That is, very little talk a lot of hard work and quickly getting rid of problems. Both Billick and Harbaugh become so emotionally involved that they can’t solve problems. Case in point, neither of them would have the courage to sit Lewis or set an agenda for the offensive and defensive coordinators and then hold them accountable.

Dan on Orioles Don’t Have To Win The Offseason To Return To The Playoffs

Anyone who thinks the Orioles are doing the “same old same old” and just lucked into a freak-never-happen-again scenario in 2012, hasn’t been paying attention. DD came on board and saw that the “cupboard was bare” in the minors and went about stocking it with players–granted, not All Stars–but players with certain talents and skills that he and his staff could see had potential to help the big league club…like Bill Hall and Miguel Gonzales and…well, you know. THIS is how the Orioles went about producing competitive, winning teams in the late 70s and into the 80s, with a manager who knew how to take guys like Ayala and Roenicke and Lowenstein (how many All Star games did THOSE guys ever make?) and make it work on the field. Looking over the past 30 years, whenever the Orioles have tried to get the BIG NAME GUY, it’s almost always blown up in our faces. Albert Belle? Glenn Davis? Tejada was an exception but he’s proof that one big bat isn’t enough…you need to have the rest of a strong lineup, pitching, hitting and defense, around you. Would it be nice to have Josh Hamilton? Sure. Adam LaRoche? You bet. But what’s even better is to invest in a system that produces your OWN Hamiltons and LaRoches and Greinkes, etc. And that’s what DD is doing. I love his work in the international market, this is A MUST and something I’ve been crying, shouting, whining about for 20+ years. A half billion Russians and none can play ball? The O’s just signed their first guy out of Europe and there’s more where that came from. What they should be doing is starting baseball academies in these countries, working with the kids there to get them involved in the game, and we’ve got THE best ambassador for the game, Cal Ripken, Jr., who is already going all over the world, spreading the news and putting the ORIOLE BRAND on it. DD is taking steps that will not only result in fielding a competitive team tomorrow, but a world champion in years to come. Say what you will, but for the first time in a long time there’s a definite feel that this team is finally…FINALLY…headed in the right direction. I said that this past offseason and we went to the playoffs. I say it even more emphatically now.

MGW on Is John Harbaugh On The Hot Seat?

Marty Schottenheimer. Norv Turner. Andy Reid. John Harbaugh.

They’re all the same guy. If you’re happy reviewing his regular season record and a playoff win or two, take your picks from any of the above. All are pretty good coaches, not great, pretty good.

Wake me up when Ground Hogs Day is over. 10, 11 wins, a win or two in the playoffs, and then “wait’ll next year…we were only a play or two away”. Yeah, with one of the most dynamic backs in the league, two HOFers on defense, perennial Pro Bowlers Suggs and Ngata. One of the league’s highest paid offensive lineman in Yanda. Chris, you and I could coach ‘em up to 10-11 wins a year. It’s called underachieving.

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